
Are Taylor Swift and Oprah being considered as replacements for Joe Biden?

Are Taylor Swift and Oprah being considered as replacements for Joe Biden?

Ina wild turn fit for a Netflix Political thriller, a supposedly breathtaking leaked memo could shake the foundations of theDemocratic Party. Law Professor at Georgetown University Rosa Brooks and venture capitalists Ted Dintersmith are the masterminds of a plan that may House of Cards looks like a Sunday picnic.

Imagine this: President Joe Bidenwho is shaken by his disastrous flop in the debate in Atlanta, will resign in mid-July. It’s time for the “lightning primary” – a high-octane political derby in which anyone with a dream and a decent following, from Taylor Swift To Oprah Winfreycan throw their hat into the ring. Fast who broke records and hearts, and Oprahthe queen of daytime TV, could soon be vying for the highest office in the land.

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The memo, dripping with urgency, paints a grim picture.”We can shuffle into a shameful, avoidable and democracy-damaging defeat” it says. “Or the Democrats can make this our finest hour.Brooks and Dintersmith call for weekly forums, a kind of political Coachella, with Michelle Obama, Taylor SwiftAnd Oprah as rock star moderators. The candidates would show their skills in front of the delegates, who would then select their champion by ranked vote, all in front of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on August 19th.

But here is the trick – President Bidenhas not shown the slightest interest in, despite the growing pressure and this elaborate, cinematic plan, step aside. Less than four months before the Parliamentary elections on 5 Novemberhe’s still out there shaking hands, kissing babies, and making campaign appearances like it’s 2020 again.

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And if you think Vice President Kamala Harris would automatically be nominated, then think again. This plan leaves her fate in limbo and adds another layer of drama to an already explosive situation.

Brooks, clearly not a fan of subtlety, received positive feedback on the memo and suggested that big names within the party could get behind the bold proposal. if Biden gives his blessingBut so far the President has shown no signs of slowing down.

The leaked document does not mince words, Comparison with Biden with a “today’s George Washington but it shrinks back from blind loyalty.”Yes, President Biden has served his country with distinction for five decades. Yes, this honorable man deserves our respect, gratitude, and admiration.,” It is reading. “But not our blind loyalty.

The memo calls for the new candidate to be introduced on stage at the DNCflanked by President Bidenformer president Barack Obamaand former president Bill Clinton.

In the world of politics, reality often triumphs over fiction. This latest twist is proof that one should always expect the unexpected in Washington, DC. Whether Biden exits gracefully or storms into November, one thing is certain – this campaign will go down in history.