
A conversation with Chris Colfer | Notebook for child reporters

A conversation with Chris Colfer | Notebook for child reporters

Mika with Chris Colfer in New York City

Chris Colfer has always been fascinated by space and the possibility of aliens. New York Times Bestselling author turns to science fiction in his writing. His latest novel for middle school students is called Roswell Johnson saves the world! (Little Brown Young Readers, 2024).

Roswell is an 11-year-old boy growing up in Cherokee Springs, Oklahoma. He inherited his late father’s keen interest in extraterrestrial life. Roswell is even named after the site of a UFO crash that is said to have occurred in 1947.

One night, Roswell notices one of his chickens running out of the coop and follows it. Roswell is stunned to see the chicken being kidnapped by aliens. Soon after, he himself is accidentally kidnapped. He must work with the aliens to save the planet from a threatening invasion.

On June 4, I spoke with Colfer at Barnes & Noble-Union Square in New York City. He was in town to announce the launch of Roswell Johnson. Colfer said he often looks curiously into the night sky to see what and who might be out there. This explains the inspiration for his new novel.

“When I was your age, I loved science and couldn’t learn enough about it,” Colfer said. “Even as an adult, I’m always learning more about science, especially planets, space and galaxies. And I’ve always loved the idea of ​​aliens, so I thought a book about science and aliens would be a great book for middle school.”

Roswell Johnson emphasizes the power of kindness and community, despite our differences. “Prejudice is completely pointless and very primitive,” said Colfer. “We are all the same. As Roswell experiences these adventures with aliens of different colors, shapes and sizes, I hope my readers learn that life is so much better when everyone works together.”

“I hope my readers learn that life is much better when everyone works together,” says Colfer.

Advice for aspiring artists

Colfer rose to fame in 2009 when he played Kurt Hummel in Joy. The long-running television series was based on a fictional high school singing club. Colfer later wrote The Land of Stories (Little, Brown), a series of fantasy novels for young readers. The books became instant bestsellers.

Colfer encourages aspiring writers to look to other artists for inspiration. “Try to expose yourself to as much art as possible – TV shows, movies, books, museums, and history,” he advises. “Absorb as much as you can. The more your imagination grows, the better your writing will be.”

He added that the story you want to tell is more important than the writing style. “Focus on the content and the style will come,” he said. “If you have a good story or something good to tell, that’s the most important thing.”

Colfer already has plans for a sequel to Roswell Johnson and envisions the story as a series. If you haven’t read the first book, you’re in for a wild ride.