
AMD surpasses Intel in brand awareness, NVIDIA secures 6th place with largest single brand value growth

AMD surpasses Intel in brand awareness, NVIDIA secures 6th place with largest single brand value growth

According to a report by Kantar’s BrandZ “Most Valuable Global Brands” for 2024, AMD has overtaken Intel in terms of brand awareness, while NVIDIA has seen the most growth.

AMD’s brand awareness is now higher than Intel’s, thanks to the company’s efforts to advance in the AI ​​race, while NVIDIA is ranked in the top 10

Well, it won’t be wrong to say that amidst the AI ​​hype, AMD emerged as a clear winner compared to companies like Intel, especially in the professional sector. The company’s Instinct line of AI accelerators was immensely popular among customers compared to Intel’s Gaudi series, simply because Team Red was better able to capitalize on the market hype and gain the trust of its customers. Apart from that, AMD’s new AI-focused consumer offerings like the Strix Point APUs enjoyed huge market acceptance, and based on such factors, Kantar has ranked AMD ahead of Intel in terms of overall brand value.

Image source: Kantar’s BrandZ “Most Valuable Global Brands” for 2024

Kantar’s BrandZ Most Valuable Global Brands report ranks the world’s top brands based on a combination of factors including customer sentiment and financial data. This also reflects consumer sentiment towards the brand, which shows how popular the company is in the eyes of an average customer. The report’s Business Technology and Services Platforms category found Team Red scored a decent grade, rising up the rankings and achieving a brand value of $51.86 million, which is a recognition of the company’s value and is not to be confused with market capitalization.

Image source: Kantar’s BrandZ “Most Valuable Global Brands” for 2024

AMD’s brand value increased by 53% since 2023, while Intel’s increased by 23%. This shows that AMD has made great progress in the markets. AMD is currently ranked 41st, while Intel is ranked 48th.

AMD was included in the “Top 10 Risers” list this year, which also includes NVIDIA, which grew a whopping 178%, and Instagram and Facebook, which also saw double-digit increases. The top five brands by market value included Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and McDonald’s, with NVIDIA coming in at number 6. NVIDIA itself saw a massive 178% increase in brand value, showing the company’s dominant position in the tech world and is on track to move into the top 5 this year.

Image source: Kantar’s BrandZ “Most Valuable Global Brands” for 2024

While the report does not necessarily reflect the real situation, it does show that the battle between AMD and Intel is a tight one, and AMD seems to be gaining a slight advantage at the moment. Not only has the company made significant progress in the AI ​​space, but it also seems to be in a much better position to capitalize on the markets overall. These numbers will surely change once Intel’s next-generation platform, such as Lunar Lake, hits the market, but for now, it’s safe to say that AMD has won the brand value race against Intel.