
Miranda Lambert shows her love to the little girl named after her

Miranda Lambert shows her love to the little girl named after her

(Photo by Ayisha Collins/FilmMagic)

Miranda Lambert doesn’t just record songs and sing at concerts. She also seems to make dreams come true.

Recently, Lambert is performing in Hinckley, Minnesota, where she spots a little girl in the crowd. In the crowd, she spots a little girl wearing pink boots and a cowgirl hat. She’s also wearing a pink dress and jacket with rhinestones that spell out the name “Miranda.” But they’re not just supporting the country singer they see in concert. In fact, they’re sharing her!

Mother tells of touching moment between her daughter and Miranda Lambert

The little girl tells Miranda Lambert that they have the same names, which makes Lambert very happy. She continues to gushed about this adorable child and compliments the girl on her Texas earrings. Miranda then asks the girl from Minnesota if she has ever been to Texas. I’m sure she was shy, though, because of the bright lights and all the people. All she could manage to say was an adorable “thank you.”

Lambert hugs her and thanks her for coming to the show, and accompanies little Miranda back to her mother.

Little Miranda’s mother shares the experience, leaving her emotional. “This mom is speechless and sobbing,” she writes. “We were surrounded by some of the kindest people who put Miranda front and center… which resulted in her being brought on stage with Miranda Lambert. I could only have imagined her meeting the woman who inspired me so much that I named her after her. I will never forget this memory. Best concert ever. My mommy heart is so full.”

That’s what it’s all about, literally. That genuine connection you can build with the people you love is something to cherish. It doesn’t matter if it’s a child who idolizes you or even an adult who uses music to carry on every day. It’s beautiful to see how art impacts someone’s life.

Miranda Lambert