
New teaser for “The Penguin” gives further insights into the Max series

New teaser for “The Penguin” gives further insights into the Max series

Following the release of Matt Reeves’ interpretation of the Dark Knight with The Batmanfans couldn’t wait to see the new world of Gotham. The first step in this process is Colin Farrell’s Max series The Penguinand each new trailer brings us closer and closer to a Tony Soprano mood.

The more I learn about The Penguinthe more I am convinced that it is fair The Sopranos but set in Gotham. I just need the show to use a song from Alabama 3 as its theme and I’ll become unbearable! See, I already had problems because I found Farrell’s interpretation of Oz Cobblepot to be attractive and this trailer doesn’t help me!

Before the latest teaser was released, we knew very little about the story. All we knew was that Oz is something of a crime boss now that Carmine Falcone is dead, but this new trailer gives us a lot more to go by.

Returning to Gotham after the Riddler (Paul Dano) blew up the walls protecting the city from the water means there’s a lot to unpack. I’m sure Batman (Robert Pattinson) is somehow to blame for this happening, even if Oz says of the rubble, “Look at what that madman did.” For now, it seems like the series fewer about Bruce Wayne and the building of the Falcone family after the death of Carmine (John Turturro).

And one of the family members we meet is Sofia Falcone (Cristin Milioti). She probably had power when her father was in charge, but in this teaser we see the cracks in the Falcone family.

I am excited about everything Cristin Milioti does

Cristin Milioti in the shadow of the penguin

Sofia may be Carmine’s daughter, but that doesn’t mean she has any power, especially now that her father is dead. Her brother Alberto (Michael Zegen) is still trying to keep the Falcone empire alive and prevent Oz from taking it away from them. “I’m the Falcone don’s daughter, but he’s dead. The family thinks I’m broken. I’m not broken,” she says, and oh no, I love her.

What I am immediately Sofia’s story is invested. Sure, she is not a perfect connection to Carmela Soprano, but she immediately fits into the gangster world that The Penguin gives us. She doesn’t let those “old men” tell her she can’t do something, and when I saw the scene in the trailer where she whispers to Oz, “You know, Oz, people underestimate you, but I don’t. I’ve always thought you were capable of more,” I knew that dynamic was going to be something I LOVE.

I am truly and honestly shocked at how much this show does remember things like The Sopranosand I can’t wait to see what the series actually brings us. For now, I’ll see for myself not dye my hair to look like Sofia Falcone.

The Penguin comes out this September and I’m fully aware that I’m going to find the penguin hot. That’s OK, it’s the Tony Soprano effect. Give him some ducks or a cigar in a pool and I’m over.

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