
Northamptonshire coroner calls for action on death of Harry Dunn

Northamptonshire coroner calls for action on death of Harry Dunn


Image description, The Northamptonshire Coroner published a series of reports to prevent future deaths following the Harry Dunn inquest

  • Author, Matt Presley
  • Role, BBC News, Northamptonshire

A coroner has called for improved driver training for US government employees in the UK following the death of Harry Dunn.

The motorcyclist was killed in August 2019 in a collision with a car driven by American Anne Sacoolas outside RAF Croughton base near Brackley.

Northamptonshire Coroner Anne Pember has also written to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) about ambulance delays.

The US Embassy said it was committed to ensuring that all personnel stationed in the UK drove “safely and responsibly”.

Ms Pember highlighted conflicting evidence regarding the driver training given to American staff following the accident on the B4031.

The US Embassy said during the investigation that new arrivals had been informed about the dangers of driving on the wrong side of the road.

But Ms Pember said later evidence contradicted that.

It has written to the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) informing it of the need for action.

Image description, Charlotte Charles, mother of Harry Dunn, speaks to the media after the inquest into her son’s death

The investigation also reported a delay in the ambulance’s arrival at the 19-year-old’s home.

The coroner sent a further PFD report to the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), highlighting the need to meet response time standards and address handover delays that often result in ambulances becoming stuck outside emergency departments.

Ms Pember also released a third report calling for paramedics to carry stronger painkillers to help patients in a similar situation.

The ministries concerned have 56 days to respond.

‘Diplomatic immunity’

Mr Dunn was killed on August 27, 2019, when Ms Sacoolas’ car struck his motorbike shortly after she left the base in Northamptonshire.

She was driving on the right side of the road, as is customary in America, although she should have been driving on the left.

After the crash, the US government granted Sacoolas diplomatic immunity because her husband Jonathan worked for US intelligence.

The couple then left Britain and it later emerged that she was also working as an intelligence agent.

In December 2022, she was finally sentenced via video link to eight months in prison, suspended for one year, for driving causing manslaughter.

Image source, Mega Agency

Image description, A court concluded that Anne Sacoolas was a member of the US secret service.

In a new statement, Mr Dunn’s family expressed their satisfaction with the PFD reports.

“The family was always determined to ensure that Harry’s death was not in vain and that part of his legacy would be that no family should have to suffer as they did and that all lessons had to be learned,” they said.

They added: “Although the UK FCDO publicly stated that it had learned lessons on road safety and taken steps to ensure that the US addressed the issue once and for all, the evidence presented during the investigation made clear that in reality this was not the case.”

The US Embassy expressed its condolences to the Dunn family.

They told the BBC: “US military and diplomatic personnel and their families have an obligation to respect the laws of the host country.”

“This responsibility also includes compliance with the laws regarding the safe driving of motor vehicles.

“The U.S. Embassy is committed to ensuring that all U.S. personnel stationed in the United Kingdom drive safely and responsibly.”

An FCDO spokesman said: “We pay tribute to the incredible determination of Harry’s family and thank the coroner for her report.”

“This government will examine and respond to their recommendations.

“We are committed to ensuring that lessons are learned. Our thoughts are with Harry Dunn’s family, friends and loved ones.”

The DHSC said: “Our condolences go out to the friends and family of Harry Dunn in this tragic case. It is important that we learn from every report to prevent future deaths.”

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