
Letters to the Editor — Songs for the Fourth, Ben Franklin, debate, age limits, schools

Letters to the Editor — Songs for the Fourth, Ben Franklin, debate, age limits, schools

Jimi’s “Star-Spangled Banner”

Subject: “10 American Songs to Blast at Your Fourth of July Party,” Wednesday’s news report.

I read your list of songs for the Fourth of July. They were good songs, but I would have included Jimi Hendrix’s version of the “Star-Spangled Banner.” It’s a great reminder of a special time in our history, and also a very artistic interpretation of the song itself.

Margaret Barnes, Dallas

Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA”

How can you leave out Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA”? Instead we have “Party in the USA.” Really?

Ron Pastor, Frisco

Be part of the discourse

Subject: “Be like Ben Franklin: witty and clever,” by Scott Walters, Thursday Opinion.

I thought about writing a letter about how The Dallas Morning News feels more like a local or small-town paper than a big-city paper. Then I read Walters’ column.

I just have to make one small correction: I think that those who write to the paper are already very smart and witty. I often mention to friends after reading the letters to the editor how clever and entertaining these writers are in their words and ideas. I also think it is important to contribute by letter and I look forward to learning something new every day from others in my neighborhood.

When I started writing letters to the DMNa friend looked at me in amazement and said, “I don’t think I ever thought anyone would care what I think or write.” I disagree; it’s not about caring what others think or seeing your name in print, it’s about being part of a community and sharing and learning new ideas – even the smart and funny ones.

Perri Brackett, Lewisville

Style vs. substance

Like many of my like-minded friends and colleagues, I waited with bated breath for the opportunity to watch the American presidential debate. Two weaker candidates from both major parties vied for the chance to move the debate forward. Anticipation was high, but expectations were low.

To be blunt, I was just disappointed at how accurate this turned out to be. I respect the older MP and loathe his predecessor, but I still came to the conclusion that both parties have been seduced by their respective ideologies and are locked in a struggle for power at any cost. As history can attest, this is a recipe for failure.

Age is a cruel master, and President Joe Biden has shown the effects. Toxic self-aggrandizement is the hallmark of former President Donald Trump. We are in a battle of style versus substance, with both sides willing to sell their collective soul. There doesn’t seem to be a good outcome.

Perhaps a candidate will give up his need for recognition and give the nation a chance to survive. The story of Solomon, who decided on the baby’s maternal lineage, may offer some guidance.

Larry Portman, Garland

In search of morals, principles

Subject: “Contrasts in the Debate” by Anton Skell, Thursday Letters.

Skell says his candidate for president is Trump, who he believes shows strength and a strong business sense. Strength is not demonstrated by bombastic insults and lies, and six bankruptcies do not exactly demonstrate great business sense.

My leader would not be someone who cheated on three women, ran a fake university, shut down a charity for abuse of office, or mocked a disabled person. Nor would I vote for a convicted felon or a person accused of sexual harassment, and certainly not someone who even mentioned suspending the Constitution.

I am a naturalized citizen and the election is very important to me. I expect ethics, principles, morals and decency from a leader.

Tina Williams, Waxahachie

Limit the term of office and age of office holders

I hope that in this mock election campaign, all Millennials and Generation Z are on the same page: we urgently need term limits and possibly age limits for representation.

Imagine how much more conscientious our Congress would be if these people only served two six-year terms and were never allowed to set foot in the building again.

I would like to go a step further and also limit the age of our MPs. If you are past the age of receiving welfare, you should be retiring, not running the world’s greatest superpower.

Will Dominguez, Richardson

Academic Responsibility

Subject: “Solving the School Voucher Problem” by Ann Hedges, Wednesday Letters.

Hedges’ proposal seems like an interesting approach to funding public schools that is worthy of further discussion. One school system in Arizona took this approach, allowing students to freely transfer from one school to another – with frightening results.

It was hoped that schools with excellent academic performance would win the lottery, but unfortunately the limited infrastructure encouraged the formation of local gangs of children who terrorized students who were different from them. Although deaths occurred, no one was held accountable for these acts.

I agree that we need more funding for our public schools and more accountability for academic performance. Sometimes that means our children need to be disciplined in school, and since we are the ones who sent them to school, we need to support those discipline efforts.

Following rules is a prerequisite for life. Breaking rules (and failing to learn them) has negative consequences.

Our children also need to know that we want them to always achieve the best academic results they can.

Ray Johnston, Heath

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