
Democrats push for plan for Taylor Swift to host forums as Biden’s replacement

Democrats push for plan for Taylor Swift to host forums as Biden’s replacement

The panic among Democrats about whether President Joe Biden will resign has officially Can Taylor Swift save us? Stage.

According to a report by Semafor, two “well-connected” Democrats have distributed a memo to party donors proposing a plan for a “blitz primary” to replace Biden. The memo – written by a Georgetown law professor and former Obama administration official Rosa Brookstogether with venture capitalists and democratic donors Ted Dintersmith – proposes a month-long primary election involving the six candidates who receive the most votes from party delegates. Delegates would then decide on the party’s final nominee immediately before the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, which begins on August 19.

Among the many aspects of this plan that critics are sure to dismiss as fanciful is that all candidates must commit to running a positive campaign. And the plan would require the immediate and full support of President Biden – who, of course, has insisted he stay in the race.

And where does Taylor Swift come in? As part of their plan, Brooks and Dintersmith propose weekly forums.

with the six potential candidates – the event will be moderated by various cultural icons. Among the names of potential moderators being discussed are: Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfreyand yes, Taylor Swift.

And while the haters will hate her, Brooks claims her far-reaching plan has met with “almost universal support,” according to Semafor.

“We can drag ourselves to an embarrassing, avoidable, and democracy-damaging defeat,” the memo says (according to Semafor). “Or the Democrats can make this our finest hour.”

Many Democrats will surely be content at least to avoid what is quickly turning into a cruel summer.
