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You’ve seen the book, now get it for free

You may be surprised to learn that despite the decline in recent years, a majority of Americans still believe in God. According to a 2022 Gallup poll, the number of believers currently stands at about 81%.

But while faith is a good starting point, one author from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wants people to understand that it’s also important to get to know God personally. Steven Anthony Bishop, author of the best-selling book Putting on Christ, says it’s not only possible, it’s essential.

Putting on Christ, by author Steven Anthony Bishop, is designed to inspire those who are zealous seekers of truth. And for a limited time, readers can get a free e-book version.

“Those whose deepest desire is to actually know God in mortal life and who pursue that desire diligently and consistently will find Him and receive a place at His right hand,” Bishop writes in the book’s introduction.

But he also adds a warning.

“Those who put other priorities ahead of this paramount priority will find themselves on his left. If we truly want to know him, we will strive tirelessly to seek and find him,” he writes.

The first step to perfect knowledge

Although Bishop admits that coming to know God, culminating in actual reconciliation with God, can be a long and arduous process, it all begins with adhering to the teachings of Christ. Ultimately, this process can lead to an indescribable experience that Bishop calls “spiritual rebirth” or “being born of God.”

“Christ and his restored gospel are the power by which our brokenness, our total cleansing, and our mighty change of mind… can be fully accomplished,” he says.

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Photo: Vescovo Buonarroti Art, LLC

First-hand experiences from those who have experienced this “tremendous change”

In his book, Bishop tells the stories of nine people (five of whom he knows personally) who have been born of God in our day. Chapter 8 alone highlights the experiences of seven of them.

According to the author, these stories of knowing God through spiritual rebirth, “being born of the Spirit,” are “on par with many who have come into God’s presence through a near-death experience.” In both cases, the reality of God is realized with complete knowledge and certainty, and people’s hearts are forever changed as a result.

Bishop says that reading these accounts—along with relevant teaching from Christ that outlines the steps to attaining such an indescribable reality—will help the reader understand what that experience might feel like and be like for themselves if they obey that very teaching.

One story is about a man who was at the end of his rope in prison. Another tells of the peace a grieving father sought and found after his son died by suicide. And a young missionary tells how, through the grace of the Savior, she overcame a harmful eating disorder and perfectionist tendencies.

Each of these accounts is sure to touch the heart of every reader and inspire people to seek testimony of the truth for themselves.

The author’s personal witness

Among the nine accounts, Bishop includes his own testimony of coming to know the Savior personally. “The oneness I experienced was not only with the Godhead as we know it, and it is real,” he writes, “…but a oneness that seemed to be with all of nature and the physical and spiritual world around me.” It was that experience that ultimately led him to write this book and share it with others. Don’t expect to flip through the pages at the speed of light, though. The author hopes you will use it as a “road map” for your own personal journey to God, thereby achieving the same complete knowledge of Him through a spiritual manifestation powered by the Holy Spirit.

“This work entitled ‘Putting on Christ’ is not just a book to read, but one to experience and live. Writing is my life’s work,” Bishop explains in the introduction.

“This work will join other books of a similar nature, all written to testify to the way, the truth and the life, which is Jesus Christ.”

Read the full introduction

If the idea of ​​getting to know Christ personally piques your interest and you are curious to read the rest of this book, you can read the full introduction by visiting and joining their mailing list. You can also order a print copy, e-book, or audio copy of Putting on Christ through the website.

Putting on Christ is a #1 national bestseller in nine categories on Amazon and a top-selling Latter-day Saint book on Amazon. All proceeds from the book go toward remarketing the book and helping to feed and house the homeless.

In the words of the author, “The way is real and He is coming. Don’t waste any time.” Get your copy of Putting on Christ today!