
Canadian port employer asks CIRB to intervene urgently before strike on Monday

Canadian port employer asks CIRB to intervene urgently before strike on Monday

TORONTO (Reuters) – The maritime employers’ association in the Canadian province of British Columbia has asked the industrial relations body to intervene to prevent a strike called for Monday by a ship and harbor masters’ union.

The BC Maritime Employers Association (BCMEA) said in a statement on Sunday that it wants the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) to declare the proposals and strike action by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Ship and Dock Foremen Local 514 (ILWU Local 514) a violation of the Canadian Labour Code.

BCMEA said late Friday that ILWU Local 514 had served notice of a strike against employer DP World Canada that will begin Monday.

“We hope that this matter will be resolved quickly at the CIRB. However, if the CIRB allows the strike, the BCMEA believes it has no choice but to take defensive action in the form of an industry-wide lockout,” the BCMEA said on Sunday.

A coast-wide lockout could potentially bring all cargo operations of BCMEA member companies across the province to a halt, but would not affect cruise operations or disrupt port operations on grain ships, it said.

The BCMEA said Friday’s notice came despite the CIRB launching hearings this week to resolve grievances between it and the union.

ILWU Local 514 could not immediately be reached for comment.

Federal Labor Minister Seamus O’Regan said on Saturday that mediators would work with the parties to help them reach an agreement and “the best deals are made at the negotiating table.”

(Reporting by Nivedita Balu in Toronto; Editing by Aurora Ellis)