
NY must join other states and recognize grieving families

NY must join other states and recognize grieving families

As someone who has experienced the deep pain of losing a loved one, I am acutely aware of the need for compassion and justice for grieving families. Governor Kathy Hochul now faces an important decision: whether to sign or veto the Grieving Families Act. I implore her to sign this important legislation that promises much-needed support to families like mine who have suffered unimaginable loss.

Scott Lancerio

Scott Lanzerio is Program Manager at Silent-Aire.

The Grieving Families Act is designed to modernize New York’s wrongful death law and expand the categories of damages for which families can seek compensation. This change is long overdue. The current law, which dates back to the mid-19th century, focuses narrowly on financial contributions and ignores the profound emotional and psychological impact of losing a loved one. By signing this law, New York joins the majority of states that recognize the comprehensive nature of familial loss.

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Critics of the Grieving Families Act argue that it will place a significant financial burden on state and local governments. Yet across the country, numerous states, cities and towns have implemented similar laws without facing crippling financial consequences. States like California, Illinois and Florida, among others, have not experienced the catastrophic financial impact that some opponents of the law predict for New York.

The budgetary realities of these states provide a clear precedent. Their experience shows that the financial impact of such legislation is manageable. In fact, these laws can lead to broader societal benefits, including improved safety standards and practices as companies strive to avoid negligence and the legal consequences that result from it. When examining these precedents, it becomes clear that New York can implement the Grieving Families Act without the dire financial consequences some fear.

My own story underscores the importance of this legislation. The loss of a loved one is a profound, life-changing experience. The emotional and psychological toll it brings cannot be quantified in purely economic terms. For families like mine, seeking justice and accountability is about more than just financial compensation; it is about realizing the full extent of our loss and finding some measure of comfort in knowing that our pain is recognized and honored by the legal system.

Governor Hochul, I urge you to consider the experiences of other states, the manageable financial impact, and the deep human need for this legislation. Stand with grieving families, honor their losses, and ensure that New York’s laws reflect our shared values ​​of justice and compassion

Please sign the Grieving Families Act.

Scott Lanzerio is Program Manager at Silent-Aire.