
POWER OF YES: Political commitment is essential for climate protection

POWER OF YES: Political commitment is essential for climate protection

“Persistent commitment pays off. Look at the Greenbelt reversal,” says Climate Change Newmarket-Aurora, which is holding climate protests on July 13 and August 10.

In partnership with Climate Change Newmarket-Aurora, NewmarketToday brings you a regular column series aimed at raising awareness and motivating our community to take action on climate change.

If there is one area where community spirit can make a difference, it is politics.

We might say, “They’re all the same, so what’s the point?” The crux of the matter is climate change. Although there is cynicism, the urgency must now transcend political boundaries.

Our voices, signatures and votes matter, and participants at the Climate Action Newmarket-Aurora (CANA) town hall meeting stressed: “Climate action – can I really make a difference?” Political engagement can be empowering, increase well-being and promote a sense of achievement and inner peace.

Although I did not originally consider myself a political activist, I now believe political engagement is essential to advancing climate action. Political decisions determine the pace and direction of climate policy. Navigating these complexities can be daunting, but trusted organizations offer guidance and over time it gets easier.

Despite hopeful promises at global climate conferences such as the United Nations COPs and GEF, politicians, project developers, companies and economists must be held accountable for their agreements and actions. They must consider the real climate value of their plans and the impacts on indigenous communities and our children.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions should unite us for the greater good. Community members stressed at City Hall that reducing emissions is not only cheaper and faster, but also better for health. With 500,000 hectares of Canadian forests literally going up in flames this year and carbon emissions from last year’s fires hitting record levels, the urgency should be clear to everyone. Accelerating reforestation and transitioning to clean energy should not be a political or ideological issue at this time, nor should we sacrifice nature for urban sprawl.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns that we must reduce greenhouse gases to keep global temperatures below a critical increase of 1.5 degrees Celsius. We are currently at 1.52 degrees Celsius. Political obstacles are delaying meaningful climate action and threatening vital ecosystems that store carbon, such as forests and wetlands.

In Ontario, emissions are rising due to recent decisions made by the province. The main factors are the suspension of more than 750 alternative energy projects, the moratorium on offshore wind, the encouragement of urban sprawl through 44 zoning plans approved by ministers between 2019 and 2021 (double the number of the previous 18 years), and the amendment of environmental legislation to allow development on sensitive lands.

Plans for Greenbelt highways and gas-fired power plant expansions are making the situation worse, despite a lack of support from local authorities and evidence that emissions from gas-fired power plants will rise by 400 percent by 2030. There are solutions for housing and transport that do not sacrifice our precious natural resources and clean air.

What else can we do? “You can’t stay neutral on a moving train,” said Howard Zinn. We must actively work to reduce the climate emergency or risk becoming part of the problem through inaction.

Persistent commitment pays off. Watch the turnaround of the Greenbelt project. The Auditor General’s Special Report highlights the need to monitor government actions, understand laws that put the environment at risk, and recognize how political decisions can undermine democratic processes.

Even when we feel anxious or uncertain, engaging with MPs and councillors, particularly open-minded ones, strengthens advocacy and drives change. Discussing concerns with others is also powerful.

Following our town hall event, 15 more people expressed their intention to participate in protests or join organizations like CANA, and more than 20 pledged to write to politicians.

CANA offers pre-written email content. Local environmental organizations like those that contributed to our town hall meeting – Environmental Defence, the Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition, FROGS, the Alliance for a Liveable Ontario and Gasp4Change – provide petitions and templates that require minimal effort. Participating in peaceful climate protests and petitions like those on July 13 and August 10 also raises awareness.

Changing laws requires effort and often takes longer than desired, so voting is crucial. In Ontario’s last election, less than 44 per cent of eligible voters participated, giving a government that represents only 18 per cent of voters a majority. We must use our votes wisely to elect a government committed to climate change, especially when our collective majority voice continues to go unheard.

Say yes to speaking out, making our signatures and votes heard, and working with open-minded politicians. As Maya Angelou said, “Do your best until you know better. And when you know better, do better.” Let’s do more together to reduce emissions. The children are counting on it.

Inspired by the international organization Project Drawdown, Climate Action Newmarket-Aurora seeks to engage citizens, institutions and policymakers in actionable and measurable solutions to stop catastrophic climate change as quickly, safely and justly as possible. You can reach them at (email protected)and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.