
La Nanny reveals an absolutely crazy rule she had to follow when working for a rich and famous client

La Nanny reveals an absolutely crazy rule she had to follow when working for a rich and famous client

A former Hollywood nanny has gone viral on Tick ​​​​Tock after exposing the crazy rule a rich and famous client imposed on his staff. BBsmalls shared the incredible story with her 36,000 followers, who couldn’t believe what they were hearing.

BBsmalls had been working as a celebrity nanny for ten years when she was interviewed for a job with someone who “had multiple businesses and owned a famous sports team” — and she was stunned when the prospect pointed out a crazy rule she would have to follow if she got the job.

So what was that rule? The client wanted his family’s life to be as “normal” as possible, so the rule was that the domestic help was not to be seen. Yes, you read that right: the domestic staff had to remain invisible at all times.

This included the family leaving all rooms they were likely to enter before coming home. Due to the large rooms in their huge house, this was sometimes not always possible, so the house staff had to hide behind curtains or under a blanket under a table. If the family had a lengthy phone conversation in that room, the staff might even have to stay in that position for over an hour – because that is definitely “normal” and not at all strange and disrespectful to the basic humanity of the staff.

BBsmalls explained that she didn’t take the job, which shocked the client, who clearly believes it’s perfectly fine to make people hide. In the video’s description, she wrote, “This is a situation where I knew I wouldn’t do well.”

Of course, there was plenty of response and BBsmalls’ followers had a lot to say about her wild story.

How did TikTok react?

As expected, the responses mostly expressed disgust and disbelief. Some commenters tried to guess who the customer might have been, and one common name cropped up several times.

*Fergie420* asked, “Why does that sound like Adrianne Maloof?” A2theB asked, “The Malouf family???” and JennCltn wrote, “Tell me that was Adrienne Maloof.” Adrienne Maloof is a businesswoman with interests in many companies and a few sports teams, so she certainly fits BBsmalls’ description. Another user, Lily, thinks the description “sounds like JLO.” However, JLo does not own a sports team.

Although many different names appeared and everyone tried to guess who it was, the comments unanimously expressed their disgust, exclaiming that they wouldn’t do it for “any money 💯” either and underlining the fact that “these people are sick.”

One had an original idea to avoid having to hide at work, commenting: “Ask them to wear bells so you can hear them coming.” Meanwhile, @louisegilder suggested a great way to take advantage of the situation, writing: “I wouldn’t show up and say I was there but I’m really good at going unseen 😂”

Others pointed out how strange it would be to be in your own home and not know if the staff is hiding in the room you are in. One comment summed up the situation well: “If I were the family, I would feel so uncomfortable wondering if I am really alone in the room or if there are 50 people randomly hiding around me.” Another expressed similar sentiments, explaining that he “can’t imagine going into my bedroom to have a private and personal phone call and someone is hiding behind the curtain or under the bed listening to everything. What’s better than seeing them?”

Bifocals_and_a_baby made an interesting observation about the customer’s motives, pointing out that perhaps this questionable customer loves to humiliate the “hired helper.” Hmm, classic Karen attitude, something America hasn’t gotten rid of yet.

Fortunately, people with experience in the home help field responded with good experiences, proving that not everyone who employs such people is terrible. mikemannion8 wrote, “My friend was a cook for the Kraft family, when he retired they bought him a house on Martha’s Vineyard.” Wellbethere123 recalled how they “had a nanny and treated her like gold because I never wanted her to leave. She ended up falling in love with my husband’s boss. Her house is bigger than mine. Good for her!”

This kind of thing doesn’t happen often, and BBsmalls has had the misfortune of being exposed to the worst side of the nanny world. According to a 2022 study by nanny payroll service GTM, 88% of nannies are satisfied or very satisfied with their career choice. Whoever the client was in this case should be ashamed, but thankfully the justified shock of BBsmalls’ revelations (which show that this bizarre behavior is not common) and the many positive stories have restored our faith in humanity.

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