
13 mothers of Israeli hostages cry for their relatives – Israel News

13 mothers of Israeli hostages cry for their relatives – Israel News

In a moving and powerful video released by the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, the mothers of 13 Israeli hostages still held in Gaza share emotional messages with their captive children.

The women, who represented only a portion of the 120 hostages, expressed their unshakable hope and determination for the safe return of their loved ones.

“Naama, I know you. You have the strength. You have power,” says Ayelet Levi, whose daughter Naama has been held captive since October 7.

“Keep praying and give strength to everyone,” Merav Berger pleads with her daughter Agam, one of the IDF observers whose capture is one of the most shocking testimonies ever made public.

Sheli Shem-Tove, Omer Shem-Tov’s mother, lovingly promises: “I will be waiting for you with flowers on Friday,” reminding everyone of the love and resilience that awaits the hostages at home.

Shira Albag, Liri Albeg’s mother, pleads: “I love you and I ask for your forgiveness that we haven’t made it yet.” Idit Ohel, Alon Ohel’s mother, assures her son that she is “doing everything in her power and we will be with you soon. I know that.”

With their heartfelt appeals, the mothers, who have experienced every parent’s worst nightmare, want to show the spirit of perseverance and the unbreakable bond between them and their children, thus expressing Israel’s collective hope and determination.