
Help protect 340B in Michigan

Help protect 340B in Michigan

Hospitals across Michigan rely on savings from the 340B prescription drug pricing program every day to allocate scarce resources and serve people who have limited or no access to care. While manufacturers and other stakeholders at the state and federal level work to cut the program, the MHA team is committed to protecting 340B and raising public awareness of the benefits it provides to Michigan patients and communities. Those who wish to advocate for the 340B program are asked to contact members of the House Insurance and Financial Services Committee in a few steps. This is done through a MHA action alert.Two women hugging in a hospital, superimposed text: "340B protects access to life-saving care" with text underneath that says: For more information visit MHA.orgTwo women hugging in a hospital, superimposed text: "340B protects access to life-saving care" with text underneath that says: For more information visit

The action alert calls on committee members to House Bill (HB) 5350introduced by Rep. Alabas Farhat (D-Dearborn) to protect the 340B program and preserve healthcare cost savings for Michigan’s hospitals and the communities they serve. The House Insurance and Financial Services Committee met on June 5 to hear testimony on the bill, with representatives from Henry Ford Health, Memorial Healthcare, McLaren Healthcare and Trinity Health having the opportunity to speak in favor of the bill.

In addition, the MHA created a 340B Websitedownloadable Infographicdigital displays and information Social media content. Targeted messages were shown to audiences in downtown Lansing more than 150,000 times.

Elizabeth Kutter, Senior Director of Government and Political Affairs, MHA, provided first-hand insights into the powerful impact of the 340B program in a MHA Rounds Articles.

“I have had countless conversations with our members about the benefits of 340B,” Kutter said. “The general sentiment — particularly among rural hospitals and urban community health centers — is that the program is essential to reaching patients where they are…any effort made to address the new flood of administrative burdens imposed by manufacturers will result in savings that directly benefit communities in need of affordable care.”

The MHA remains committed to 340B and supports Michigan hospitals’ efforts to expand access to high-quality, community-based care. Members with questions should contact Elizabeth Kutter at the MHA.