
Mars in Taurus – Love horoscopes for July 8th – 14th, 2024

Mars in Taurus – Love horoscopes for July 8th – 14th, 2024

Love can move the world! That is the message and theme of the week from July 8th to 14th, 2024. Because while hate destroys and ruins, love always nourishes and builds.

With Mars in Taurus standing out as the energy of love, we shouldn’t become impatient in matters of the heart. Some people are bolder than others when it comes to romance. Other people need you to understand and appreciate their uniqueness. You can only show your best side and develop empathy for a growing relationship if you choose patience and a slower pace.

Jupiter in Gemini reminds us that a slow pace doesn’t have to be boring. Let curiosity be your friend… because would you rather know everything about the person you’re talking to at once (which is never possible!) or unfold their layers and be fascinated by each new discovery?

We have an important astrological transit in love this week. On July 11th, Venus will enter the sign of Leo. When this happens, the community will be bolder in expressing their love, but also more willing to step back and let their partner (or date) dazzle them with grand gestures. Find the right balance and you will experience the endless blessings of Venus in Leo!

Here are the weekly love horoscopes for each zodiac sign from July 8 to 14, 2024:


Aries Love Horoscope 8-14 July DEBZ / Canva

Key to love: patience

Aries, the energy of love for you this week is all about knowing your true worth and not letting anyone tell you otherwise. If someone thinks you’re not good enough, it may be a projection of their own insecurities.

Whether you are single or in a relationship, hold on to this message and it will guide you to the greatest fulfillment in love and keep you away from those that are more like mirages in the desert. You are also encouraged to be patient with yourself and allow love to grow and unfold organically.

RELATED: 13 brutal truths about loving an Aries (written by oneself)


Taurus Love Horoscope 8-14 July DEBZ / Canva

Key to love: warmth

Taurus, the energy of love this week is all about your social life and the people you associate with. Like attracts like, whether platonic or not, so make sure you don’t surround yourself with people who don’t believe in love, or you’ll sabotage your own happy ending.

If you make someone cringe when you express yourself from the heart, then that person is not for you. Would you be happy if you constantly had to shrink and pigeonhole yourself to fit someone else’s ideal?

RELATED: Love horoscopes for July 2024 for all zodiac signs


Gemini Love Horoscope 8-14 July DEBZ / Canva

Key to love: surveillance

Gemini, the energy of love for you this week is all about expanding your horizons and learning more about the world. However, don’t go into it with love in your head. Nurture yourself from the inside out and true love will find you.

After all, how can you be happy with someone if the other aspects of their life don’t match your own? Unhappy love stories only sound delicious in stories. When two people are truly suited to each other, they are never doomed to misfortune, no matter what the external circumstances may be.

RELATED: The best and worst personality traits of the Gemini zodiac sign


Cancer Love Horoscope 8-14 July DEBZ / Canva

Key to love: Gathering knowledge

Cancer, get ready for fireworks and a conquest of your heart! The energy of love this week promises you the meeting of souls that are meant for each other.

Some of you have already met your partner. Your story will just continue to blossom and flourish this week. Trust your instincts. For others, be open to new paths and possibilities. You will discover your partner when you are not looking for it. It will be the best surprise of all!

RELATED: The difficult relationship obstacle that every zodiac sign must overcome for lasting love


Leo Love Horoscope 8-14 July DEBZ / Canva

Key to love: patience

Leo, your energy will shine so brightly this week that no one will be able to take their eyes off you. That’s what’s in store for you in love. Just remember: you will attract energy vampires just as easily as people who can truly fall in love with you and build a real relationship with you.

You must not ignore the warning signs in this regard. Patience will help you get through the most confusing moments and find the person who can truly love you and whose heart you, in turn, want to protect and cherish.

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Love Horoscope Virgo 8-14 July DEBZ / Canva

Key to love: Hindsight is always 20/20

Virgo, the energy of love urges you this week to let the light of love shine upon your soul. Be your own best friend and create space for healing.

If you feel called to do so, it is also advisable to work with a therapist who can help you gain clarity about your past love experiences. This is the only way you can let go of unnecessary baggage and accept the insights that will bring you true love in the future. J

Remember not to get upset about what you didn’t know. If someone took advantage of your innocence or inexperience, the blame lies solely with them.

RELATED: How each zodiac sign expresses love in a relationship


Love horoscope for Libra from 8 to 14 July DEBZ / Canva

Key to love: Social success

Libra, love can build you up or break you down, but true love always leads to true healing. That’s your love message for this week. Because how can it be true love if the other person doesn’t like every facet of your personality?

We’re not talking about toxic habits and areas for growth here, but if someone feels like your dress code or cultural uniqueness needs to be erased and replaced with something else, then they’re not the right fit for you.

RELATED: What Libras are like in relationships


Scorpio Love Horoscope 8-14 July DEBZ / Canva

Key to love: The intentions of your heart

Scorpio, you are loved and appreciated, even if you don’t feel it every day. Don’t break your heart by getting involved in a relationship that doesn’t fulfill you internally and can lower your self-esteem.

Trust the process and the cosmic currents. Your true love will find you if you make room for it in your life and do not allow false love to take root and take up space.

RELATED: How to tell when a Scorpio is done with you


Sagittarius Love Horoscope 8-14 July DEBZ / Canva

Key to love: Travel

Sagittarius, all is fair in love and war. That’s the theme of love for you this week, but not as a hackneyed saying. It reminds you to watch out for people who forget themselves and the principles of polite society in order to win someone’s heart (or body). This will protect you from a budding relationship with vampires and vultures, and make you clear who you can build a love relationship with and who is in it for the wrong reasons.

The more you explore, the easier it will be for you to avoid making the wrong choice and feel attracted to your soulmate.

RELATED: What each zodiac sign struggles with most in relationships


Capricorn Love Horoscope 8-14 July DEBZ / Canva

Key to love: vulnerability

Capricorn, the energy of love is strong for you this week. You are encouraged to open your heart and reveal the deeper parts of your personality. It may feel like you are exposing yourself to a stab in the heart, but you must trust your instincts about who is a warning sign and who is not.

The latter always shows you that you have made the right decision about who deserves to see the more beautiful and softer aspects of your personality. Be patient and trust the process.

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Aquarius Love Horoscopes July 8-14 DEBZ / Canva

Key to love: Gossip

Aquarius, a normal kind of love will never be enough for you. You long for the kind of love that warms your heart like a thousand suns and ignites the fire within you to live life to the fullest, according to your dreams. That is your love message this week.

Never settle for someone who is somehow not right for you, even if you can’t say exactly what you think is wrong. The answer will become obvious once your subconscious brings it to your consciousness. Maybe even in a dream.

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Love Horoscope Pisces 8-14 July DEBZ / Canva

Key to love: Thrills and goosebumps

Pisces, the love energy for you this week is actually more about self-care and taking a “time out” from love. You tend to blend in with your partner (or date) to the point where it becomes difficult to tell where you start and where they end.

While this can feel extraordinary and reveal a deep level of love and trust, it doesn’t have to be the fundamental reality of every minute of your everyday life. Get to know yourself independently of the relationship so that you and your partner can always discover new layers to be intrigued and explore.

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Valeria Black is a tarot card reader, astrologer and YouTubers with expertise in spellcasting, runes and everything to do with magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.