
Lexington Country Club waiter sues member for inappropriate behavior

Lexington Country Club waiter sues member for inappropriate behavior

A waitress/bartender at the Lexington Country Club has filed a lawsuit against a Bourbon County man described in court documents as a member who allegedly touched her inappropriately last year.

In a lawsuit filed May 30 in Fayette District Court, waitress Kailan Flynn alleged that club member Arthur Patrick “Archie” St. George demonstrated “gross negligence, oppression, malice and/or wanton or reckless disregard for her personal and physical integrity and rights.”

St. George’s attorney, Thomas D. Bullock, said in a statement Tuesday: “We have received a copy of the complaint and intend to respond through legal channels.”

Officials at the Lexington Country Club did not immediately respond to telephone inquiries on Monday.

Kentucky court records show no charges have been filed. Flynn has not pressed charges, either, her attorney said.

“As anyone would expect, Ms. Flynn did not choose this situation, and it has been painful for her,” Flynn’s attorney, Michael J. Cox, said in a statement to the Herald-Leader on Sunday.

“She is a hard-working woman who did her job, made a living and wanted to live a happy life like anyone would want. She showed a lot of courage by standing up for herself, which is hard for many victims.”

The address on the complaint is the same as that of a thoroughbred farm in Paris, Kentucky. Reports in national equestrian publications say St. George is a consignor, a high-ranking position in the Bluegrass State. The role is designed to maximize the price a horse fetches at auction or private sale.

According to the lawsuit, on or about June 3, 2023, St. George gave Flynn a lascivious look as she served him drinks.

“Flynn asked him not to look at her like that, but still… he asked her to go with him to a restaurant in Lexington, saying, ‘I want you to go with me.’ He wrote his phone number on a piece of paper and slid it to her. She told him a firm ‘no’ and that she didn’t want to do that. Eventually he left.”

According to the lawsuit, St. George returned and Flynn switched places with another bartender to avoid him. She had her back to him and was completely unaware that St. George was approaching her.

“Without Flynn’s consent or prior knowledge of his approach, he physically grabbed her by placing his right arm around her and pulling her against his body, and pressed his face into her neck,” the lawsuit states.

“He then took his left arm and began to push it along her buttocks and penetrated her pants with his hand. He pushed hard and tried to push his whole hand deeper into her pants even though she was wearing a belt.:

“Flynn was terrified and screamed for help. The other bartender ran and yelled at him, ‘Leave her alone! Get out from behind the bar!'” the lawsuit states.

After the incident, St. George was instructed to remain outside the bar in the guest area. The manager was immediately called, and St. George then argued with the manager about his behavior, according to the lawsuit.

“Ms. Flynn was injured, humiliated, ashamed, embarrassed and emotionally distressed by the defendant’s (St. George’s) degrading, repulsive and degrading conduct and sexual assault,” the lawsuit states.

“He caused her emotional stress that no one should have to endure.”