
Assad adviser dies in suspicious death, military reform in Syria

Assad adviser dies in suspicious death, military reform in Syria

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s communications adviser Luna al-Shibl died as a result of a car accident in Damascus, the pro-Qatari Arab newspaper reports Al-Jadeed was reported on Wednesday evening.

According to the pro-Qatari Arab newspaper, the incident was a deliberate accident that suggests an attempted murder.

The report said the driver of an armored vehicle was arrested after colliding with al-Shibl’s car. The consultant was initially taken to hospital with serious injuries, including a severe brain hemorrhage, but her condition later worsened and doctors declared her dead.

According to a report from YnetShibl was unpopular and had made dangerous enemies throughout her career. One of those enemies was Asma al-Assad, the wife of President Assad, who had previously tried to remove Shibl from office after rumors surfaced of an affair between the Syrian president and his adviser.

Another Syrian government official who tried to depose Shibl was Assad’s media adviser Bouthaina Shaaban. In addition, senior palace officers tried to prevent military personnel from contacting Shibl, and those who had contact with her were taken for questioning, the report said on Ynet.

Syrian President Bashar Assad attends the Arab League summit in Jeddah last month. (Source: SAUDI PRESS AGENCY/REUTERS)

As the only Druze in the presidential palace, Shibl believed her close ties to the president would ensure her safety. However, Hezbollah members in the country, with the support of Iranian forces, reportedly made false accusations against Shibl, including claiming that she had passed on confidential information to Russian figures in the country.

Her brother, who held a high military post in the palace, was suspected of passing intelligence information to Israel and is under investigation pending further decisions. Her husband was arrested on embezzlement and bribery charges shortly before attempting to flee to Russia.

Following the announcement of her death, Iran demanded the arrest and interrogation of four senior Syrian palace officers by a senior Revolutionary Guard officer in the country.

“Luna al-Shibl enjoyed a special status and was considered very vigilant and loyal to Bashar Assad. It was only last month that her problems began, when Hezbollah and the Iranians targeted her, in her view rightly so. It was clear that the story would end in disaster,” Ynet quoted a senior source in Syria who had fled to a European country as saying.

Major military reforms

Meanwhile, the regime in Damascus has announced changes in Syria’s military structure. In a first phase of the changes, tens of thousands of soldiers will be released from the reserve starting in July this year, as most of the fighting in the country has already ended.

The Syrian army statement said the aim of the reform was to maintain the army’s readiness for war, but the outcome could be unpredictable and even change the nature and character of the Syrian military.

One of the reasons for the changes in the military is the severe economic crisis in the country. Other military reforms are linked to cost-cutting measures by merging several corps with similar functions or missions, such as the Directorate of Transport and the Directorate of Vehicles.

The Syrian army is exhausted and impoverished after a decade of bloody civil war. The solution that Assad found at the time for the severe shortage of soldiers came at a high price. Iran sent tens of thousands of fighters trained by the Revolutionary Guards to help the Syrian regime – Shiite militias from Lebanon, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Maariv contributed to this article.