
This science fiction western series has a hidden connection to Jurassic Park

This science fiction western series has a hidden connection to Jurassic Park


  • Jurassic Park
    was written by the talented author Michael Crichton.
  • While
    Jurassic Park
    is popular, Crichton is also known for the story
    to live.
  • The two properties have a lot in common and share a unique theme.

Jurassic Park is preparing for another foray into the box office. While Steven Spielberg’s first film captured the imagination of so many with its environmental and scientific commentary and incredible action, Jurassic World Saga brought these themes and ideas to a new generation. Now that another soft reboot with an all-star cast is on the way, it’s a good time to look at the source material that inspired this franchise. In fact, the first book was crucial in shaping what Jurassic Park could be, but of course the series has gone far beyond the parameters of the original novel.

Comparisons are a very human concept and people like to draw parallels between different projects to structure their understanding. There have been many films and shows that have tried to capitalize on the success of Jurassic Park and the original novel, whether it Prehistoric times or 64. While the former was a great success, the latter left much to be desired, but these are at least natural connection points to the Jurassic Park Franchise. Oddly enough, there is another science fiction film and television series that can easily be linked to JurassicPark, Although dinosaurs are not the main character, it is actually a western franchise with a surprising connection to the Spielberg classic.

Jurassic Park draws inspiration from the classic novel

Michael Crichton’s work gave rise to a franchise

  • Jurassic Park was originally published in 1990.


Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous LGBT Romance, Explained

Netflix used Jurassic World: Camp Creation to develop a powerful, emotional queer arc while correcting a mistake made by Fallen Kingdom.

The audience has seen a complete and complex timeline on the screen, with Jurassic Park Development to Jurassic World and supported by animated series, video games and short film spin-offs. But it is precisely this landscape that has expanded into such a vast universe that began with the writer Michael Crichton. The author is known for novels such as Trading, Binary, The Great Train Robbery, and particularly, Jurassic Park. The novel is about the collapse of the zoo, including dinosaur escapes and dangerous encounters. Crichton made his world even bigger when he The Lost World, a sequel novel that continues to warn of the dangers of such experimental scientific research and the consequences of these interests. The novel features key characters such as Dr. Alan Grant, Dr. Ellie Satler and Dr. Ian Malcolm and it will come as no surprise that the film actually stays true to many of the main themes of the first story. There are of course massive exceptions to this rule, for example Spielberg called for some of the novel’s nuances to be removed in favor of more action sequences to make it a blockbuster. Dr. Wu has a more prominent role on paper and John Hammond may not be as virtuous as the films may portray him.

So the novel was carefully adapted to a certain extent, but where changes were necessary, they were made. Fascinatingly, it was Crichton himself who was tasked with making these changes. In fact, the author not only wrote the original text, but was also the author of the first Jurassic Park Film. Crichton has plenty of other experience in the industry, having previously written and directed his own adaptation of The great train robbery. He later wrote the cult classic twister, also a film that is becoming more and more relevant with its upcoming sequel premiering soon. Ultimately, the core ideas that were on paper found their way into the film franchise, thanks to Crichton’s involvement in the project. There wasn’t as much dinosaur-based horror and gore, and it wouldn’t be Jurassic World that some of these other political issues were addressed. But Crichton’s incredible imagination was always backed by his ability to adapt to the medium in which he worked, leaving a long legacy of thoughtful narrative art. When you consider Crichton’s talent, it’s clear why his work has endured for generations, but Jurassic Park is not the only time he has created a science fiction universe based on a nuanced understanding of human development.

Michael Crichton also wrote Westworld

The science fiction script has led to new adaptations

  • Westworld was first published in 1974.


A dark Jurassic Park theory says they aren’t dinosaurs (and that makes sense)

According to a Reddit theory, the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park are simply genetic miasma monsters designed to look and behave like “real” dinosaurs.

Before writing Jurassic Park for the big screen, and even before he had written the novel, Michael Crichton left an impression on the cinema that has continued into modern storytelling. He wrote and directed the very first Westworld Film that developed a complex concept in which man and machine collided. The first Westworld has become a cult classic, but the ideas discussed there have been amplified and expanded thanks to the HBO production. Westworld television show. Crichton had the basic framework of a fascinating story that was perhaps limited by technology and human development at the time. In many ways, Crichton was a futurist who perhaps saw where research in artificial intelligence and robotics could lead. His satirical writing, coupled with his cinematic vision, ensured that Westworld said something really important and clearly advanced his career as a trusted voice.

Without Crichton, the HBO series simply wouldn’t exist. It took the idea of ​​a world populated by AI and pushed the idea that these people could become sentient and try to break out of the proverbial cage they were locked in. The Westworld The TV show continued to pay tribute to that first film. The Man in Black is a direct adaptation of the gunslinger. A larger world is hinted at, for example, by the inclusion of a medieval knight in the first film. Westworld, and the HBO show featured a Japanese equivalent, a World War II setting, and even a landscape based on India under the British Empire. Fans hope the final season of Westworld so that the show has a chance to end the way the showrunners had hoped. Perhaps there were plans to make further connections to Crichton’s original work. But as this discussion unfolds, there’s an elephant in the room that’s getting louder and louder. Crichton’s involvement in both franchises isn’t the only point of comparison.

There are many parallels between the two

Entertainment can have dangerous consequences

  • There is hope that Westworld season 5 will finally get the green light.


How Jurassic Park celebrates its 30th anniversary

In the wake of Jurassic Park’s 30th anniversary celebrations, fans are wondering what has been accomplished and what is being done to move the series forward.

In the Jurassic Park are categorically linked to the topics Westworld. Both projects deal with scientific development and the dangers that come with it, whether it’s experimenting with dinosaur DNA or artificial intelligence. Both franchises also show what happens when consumerism and capitalism get a hold of that research and create theme parks out of the work of intelligent pioneers. And both show the consequences when those attractions go awry, with political powers, military interests, and entrepreneurs vying for control after the fact. In both projects, a cynicism is evident in Crichton’s work, but there’s also a celebration of what he believes humanity can achieve. Both franchises have grown far beyond the author’s original visions and continue to convey some of the same complex emotional beats and nuanced moments of tension that challenge today’s society. It’s been hinted before that Crichton was a bit of a futurist, and both works show that. Whether it’s Isla Nublar or Westworld, there’s also a certain sense of irony in what Crichton has accomplished.

Part of the author’s work was to warn against this kind of forward development without checks and balances. Big breakthroughs like this should not just be for entertainment purposes. Something good can come out of this research, but only in the right hands. Exploiting AI or dinosaur DNA to develop amusement parks is crass and out of place. But both Westworld And Jurassic Park have become the basis for larger franchises that focus on entertainment. Despite this irony, however, the core ideas that run throughout Crichton’s work have not been lost. Jurassic Park And Westworld don’t seem like natural siblings. There are other projects that could easily be called spiritual sequels that don’t have such different premises. But Michael Crichton, the man behind these projects, is the glue that holds them together. Not just because he held the pen. But also because he managed to express his thoughts on human development in each and every script in a way that was powerful and relevant. Crichton’s futurism and deep commitment to thoughtful storytelling should truly be celebrated, and what came after has ensured that cinema is all the better thanks to him.