
How Venus in Cancer affects the love horoscope of each zodiac sign on July 7, 2024

How Venus in Cancer affects the love horoscope of each zodiac sign on July 7, 2024

Change is never something to be afraid of, but something to be embraced. By embracing, surrendering to, or even initiating change in your romantic relationship, you also grow, and that is the key to a love that lasts. Without growth, romance stagnates, and eventually you realize that you and your partner have grown apart.

Transformation represents big changes that come from the smaller changes and choices you make, which are in focus on Sunday, July 7, when Venus in Cancer lines up with Uranus in Taurus. This energy can help you more fully leave the past behind and embrace the beautiful future you’ve been working to create.

The love horoscope of each zodiac sign for July 7, 2024:


You might hear about or run into an ex today, dear Aries, which will lead to frustration. Even though you already feel something new entering your life, that doesn’t mean there aren’t still some loose ends to resolve. Instead of just getting angry and shutting yourself down, try using this energy to set better boundaries so this issue doesn’t come up again – or pose a threat to the new love you’re working on.

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It’s normal in relationships to suddenly wonder if you’ve changed so much that you’ve outgrown the relationship. But, Taurus, the only way to get the answers you need is to allow yourself to have the conversation you’ve been avoiding. There’s an important matter to discuss that will dispel the feeling of being the elephant in the room, but you need to make sure you don’t sacrifice your development for anyone – not even someone you love.

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If your heart is no longer in a particular relationship, Gemini, you need to be able to express that. Although lately it seems like either a new energy has come into your life or you’ve simply been having doubts about this connection, you haven’t exactly been honest with your partner. But this is a conversation you need to have, realizing that you can’t avoid this topic forever.

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It’s important that you are absolutely clear about what you want, Cancer, especially since you may need to take action soon. While you’ve still been getting on your feet after some very unexpected events, you’ve been sending conflicting signals to the universe, which has led to difficulties in manifesting your desires. Be very clear about whichever direction your heart is leading you, as this will ultimately help you find the love you’ve always wanted.

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Spend time with yourself today, dear Leo, and honor your inner dreams of what your everlasting love would actually feel like. Even if you have no problem putting your desires into action, sometimes it doesn’t necessarily feel the way you imagined it would when you finally make it happen. How you feel in a relationship is actually more important than anything else, so putting some thought into it can change your love life forever.

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If you want things to change in your relationship, Virgo, then you have to be the one to do it. If you want more balance or reciprocity, then you also have to be willing to step back to allow your partner to step in more. While this can be scary because you have no control over the outcome, it’s also the best way to make yourself feel better. The more you just fill in the gaps and overdo it, the more exhausted you’ll end up feeling, so make the decision to give your partner a little space to start stepping in.

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There’s a particular dream you’ve been working to make a reality, dear Libra. At one point, you were confident that this new path was a good fit for you and your partner alike, but as time goes on, all you seem to get from your partner is excuses. The thing is, you can’t wait for them to make your dreams come true, so it’s up to you to listen to your intuition and put the work into shaping that next chapter – with or without them.

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You might meet someone while traveling, Scorpio, that could have a profound impact on your life. Don’t be too quick to judge this connection or think it’s just a vacation romance. Just because you met while traveling doesn’t mean this isn’t a connection that can’t turn into real life. You just have to give it a chance. But it’s also OK to just enjoy it without thinking too far ahead, even if that feels difficult at times.

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Boundaries are a part of love, Sagittarius, even if it takes time to learn that fact. Even though you see life as so expansive and full of possibilities, that doesn’t mean your partner does too. Maybe you’ve been feeling cut off lately because of some boundaries your partner has set, not because they want to end the relationship – but because they need to change them. Try to respect their boundaries without feeling put off or taking it personally, and of course, it can help you reflect on your own too.

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With life moving so fast lately, it might have been hard for you to take a breath, Capricorn. But it’s time to put your phones on silent for the day, or even leave them at home, and enjoy a really nice day with your partner. Plan an outdoor meal, go and watch the stars, or just sit outside together and do nothing but enjoy each other’s company.

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You’ve been trying to figure out how to improve your romantic relationship, but, Aquarius, it’s a process you’ve been going through alone so far. Now is the time to bring things up with your partner and see if you can get them on board. You can’t do both people’s work, no matter how much you might want to. Be clear about what you need, but know that you can’t keep trying to improve things on your own.

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Conversations are key today, dear Pisces, and it’s about finally knowing exactly what the intentions of that special person in your life are. You usually need more time to process this, but in this case, you need to try to be present during the conversations because you need to share your feelings too. This doesn’t mean you need to come up with some kind of master plan, but you need to be clear about what you really want.

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Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologer, intuitive relationship and life coach and curator of tailor-made retreats.