
Ashville Men’s Club honors posthumous Distinguished Service Award at 4th of July celebration

Ashville Men’s Club honors posthumous Distinguished Service Award at 4th of July celebration

In a poignant tribute during Ashville’s Fourth of July celebration, Ashville Men’s Club representative David Rainey addressed the gathered crowd under a warm evening sky. Rainey reflected on past challenges and community resilience, recounted the events of the past year, emphasized the dedication of Men’s Club members, and recognized two men who needed to be honored posthumously.

Rainey highlighted the club’s updated approach to recognizing community contributions. “Previously, nominees for our awards had to be 60 years old or older. That didn’t always make sense,” Rainey noted. “We realized that there are people, regardless of their age, who make a significant impact when our community needs it most. That’s why we changed the award to the Distinguished Service Award.”

“We started thinking about the men in this community, those in our club who have contributed immensely to our town and our organization,” Rainey continued. “We realized that we need to recognize their efforts when they get involved, regardless of their age, when they’re in the thick of things when something happens. So we decided to remove those old restrictions. Unfortunately, we didn’t make the changes in time for some men, but we’re correcting that now.”

Rainey then turned his attention to honoring two long-time Ashville citizens and members of the Ashville Men’s Club, Randy “Joe” Moore and Mike Springs, who were honored for their outstanding service to Ashville. Rainey spoke warmly of their contributions, saying, “Randy ‘Joe’ Moore was a pillar of our community, always willing to help and lead by example.” He continued, “Joe was an educator and a valued member of our club, he coached baseball and softball and impacted countless lives in Ashville.”

Rainey expressed regret that Moore was not recognized sooner. “Tonight we want to thank Joe, his family and everyone whose lives he touched. Joe Moore embodies the spirit of our men’s club and of Ashville. He has been a member of the Ashville Township Men’s Club since 1999. Joe quickly rotated through the positions of vice president and president of the club. He sat on the board for several years, was responsible for judging the Halloween costumes and he and Barb were chaperones for several years. He was the quintessential family, man. He always put everyone else before himself. Joe was always funny. Joe was always happy. I saw Joe at the pharmacy, I saw Joe downtown. I see Joe here at the festival. Joe was just a good guy with a good heart who did an incredible amount of good for this community and we lost him and that’s a shame.”

Walker, Joe’s son, accepted the award on his father’s behalf and expressed his gratitude for the recognition. “Dad would have appreciated this,” Walker said. “The Men’s Club meant everything to him and I’m sure it still does. I feel like I grew up behind that white fence over there. It’s an honor to accept the award on his behalf.”

Rainey then recognized Mike Springs, highlighting his dedication to Ashville and numerous community activities. “Mike Springs was instrumental in the success of the Ashville Fourth of July Festival,” Rainey stated. “His dedication as a coach, in charitable work and in community events left a lasting impression. He joined the Men’s Club in 1988. Then he married Bill Walsh’s daughter, Kelly. So he was done. It was over, he had no choice. I mean, when you marry KELLY, well, he married the Ashville Community Men’s Club, and he did, and he embraced it wholeheartedly. He was president and treasurer of the club, he ran all kinds of committees, the Queens, the entertainment, the public relations, Halloween, the visits from Santa. His dedication to Ashville brought a man who sold out Ohio Stadium twice last year to perform here in Ashville, Morgan Wallen. We had Morgan Wallen here at the Fourth of July festival in Ashville before he went through the roof, that’s why Mike did it. Mike loved this community, he loved his family, he was dedicated.”

Rainey expressed regret at Springs’ recent passing without timely recognition. “We lost Mike and I wish he was here to accept this award,” Rainey said solemnly. “He loved this community, his family and he gave his heart and soul.”

During the ceremony, Drew Kissel of the Greater Ohio Showmans Association recognized Springs’ dedication and leadership in the festival industry. He presented Springs’ family with a special recognition award, which Kelly Springs gratefully accepted.

“Mike fought bravely against leukemia and we lost him earlier this year,” said Kelly Springs. “The support from the Men’s Club, the Kissel family and the Greater Ohio Showmans Association was incredible. Mike was humble about his contributions, but he loved Ashville and this festival deeply.”

Ashville’s Fourth of July celebration not only commemorated independence, but also recognized the lasting contributions of local leaders like Moore and Springs who have helped shape the spirit and heritage of the community.

Rainey concluded by thanking everyone in attendance and encouraging everyone to appreciate the bonds that make Ashville a special place.

Randy Joe Moore, 56 of Ashville, OH 8 November 1965 – 25 April 2022

Randy Joe Moore, 56, of Ashville, OH passed away on Monday, April 25, 2022, at Riverside Hospital in Columbus, OH. Joe was born on November 8, 1965 in Columbus, OH. Joe graduated from Berne Union in 1984 and was also a graduate of Bowling Green State University. He taught at Teays Valley for 32 years after recently retiring from South Bloomfield Elementary. He enjoyed spending time with his family, was a member of the Ashville Community Men’s Club, had previously coached football and baseball, enjoyed fishing, loved his dog Chunk, and was an avid Ohio State, Cincinnati Reds, and Miami Dolphins fan.

Michael W. Spriggs, 56 of Ashville, OH 7 September 1967 – 12 February 2024

Michael W. Spriggs, 56, of Ashville, OH passed away Monday, February 12, 2024, at James OSU Cancer Hospital in Columbus, OH. He was born September 7, 1967 in Columbus. Mike graduated from Teays Valley in 1985 and worked for Nationwide Insurance for 33 years as a life insurance advisor. He was a member and past president of the Ashville Community Men’s Club and served as past president and honorary director of the Ohio Festivals and Events Association. He enjoyed being involved in his community, coaching youth and high school sports teams over the years. He contributed countless hours of volunteer work and coordinated events in support of the Mid-Ohio Food Collective and the Ashville Weekend Backpack Hunger Program. For 15 years, he and Kelly spent many weekends as chaperones, sharing Ohio’s festivals with the Miss Ashville 4th of July yards.

Mike enjoyed golf, traveling, camping, and just spending time with his family, but he was most proud of being promoted to the title of “Dad.”