
Melissa Schuman, Nick Carter’s prosecutor, demands that the proceedings not be interrupted and accuses the singer’s fans of bringing her into disrepute

Melissa Schuman, Nick Carter’s prosecutor, demands that the proceedings not be interrupted and accuses the singer’s fans of bringing her into disrepute

Melissa SchumanNick Carter’s accuser, has expressed her frustration with the singer’s fan base and asked the court not to put her lawsuit on hold. She explained that she could no longer handle the backlash from his fans. Melissa, who was a member of the girl group Dreamdemanded the Los Angeles Superior Court The judge rejected Nick’s attempt to stay the entire case, according to court documents obtained by In Touch.

Nick Cartermember of Backstreet Boysis currently involved in litigation in Nevada and California. Another woman named Shannon Ruth was the first to file a civil lawsuit against Nick, accusing him of sexual assault on his tour bus in 2001.

In response, Nick, along with Melissa and Melissa’s father, filed a countersuit against Shannon, claiming that they coached Shannon on what public accusations to make against him and seeking over $2 million in damages for their alleged conspiracy to extort a settlement from him.

Nick also accused Melissaher father and Shannon, used a Twitter account to spread “false” information about him and called him a “media dump” to spread fabricated and defamatory statements about him. His lawyer stated that since November 2017 Coachman was the target of a small group of conspirators who launched a campaign to ruin his reputation for their own purposes.

Emotional stress caused by litigation

Melissato the court sheds light on the emotional strain that litigation can place on individuals, particularly when faced with strong reactions from the defendant’s supporters.

Her request to pursue the case reflects her determination to seek justice and hold Nick accountable for the alleged assault. It also highlights the challenges victims of assault face when going public with their allegations.

The ongoing legal battle between Melissa and Nick has attracted public attention and sparked important discussions about the treatment of assault victims in the legal system.