
New Medieval Books: Paved with Gold

New Medieval Books: Paved with Gold

Paved with Gold: The Life and Times of the Real Dick Whittington

By Gregory Holyoake

Amberley Publishing
ISBN: 978 1 3981 1703 7

A biography of Richard Whittington, a wealthy merchant and Lord Mayor of London in the 14th and 15th centuries. While Whittington’s story later passed into folklore and legend, this book focuses primarily on his activities in London and his interactions with several English kings.


The story of Dick Whittington, told many times over the centuries, is a delightful mix of fact and fiction. A penniless country orphan goes all the way to London to seek a new life. Kindly Alderman Fitzwarren takes pity on him and hires him as a scullion. His mistress, Sara, the cook, beats and scolds him, so he runs off to Highgate Hill, where he befriends a stray cat. There, the distant ringing of the Bow Bells seems to call him back to the city, where he will find fame and fortune.

Who is this book for?

While the legend, partially recounted above, would make a fun story, this book is based on the real Richard Whittington, his business dealings, family life and role in local politics. Anyone interested in late medieval London and even late medieval England will find this work useful as it gives us a perspective on larger historical events from the perspective of a very wealthy individual.

The author

Gregory Holyoake is an author and photojournalist who has written mainly about the local history of Kent.

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