
Meet the new voices of Batman, Harley Quinn and Catwoman: EXCLUSIVE

Meet the new voices of Batman, Harley Quinn and Catwoman: EXCLUSIVE

These romances include a new take on the toxic relationship between Batman and Catwoman. “I wouldn’t necessarily call what they have romantic. It’s more chemical,” says Tucker. “There are pheromones involved.”

Ricci’s performance is reminiscent of the femme fatales of the film noir era, with a little of the sassy self-determination of the screwball comedy characters played by Carole Lombard. “There’s something going on and he doesn’t really know how to deal with it,” says Timm. “Our Batman is completely emotionally closed off. We’ve joked throughout the show that he makes Mr. Spock look like the life of the party. As much as he tries to suppress all of his emotions, (Catwoman) throws him off. He’s obsessed with catching her and putting her in jail just so he can somehow stop thinking about her.”

Ricci got the role because of her ability to combine the playful and the sinister in her recent roles, such as the unconventional and unstable Misty in Yellow jackets, as well as her work decades ago as Wednesday Addams in the The Addams Family Movies. “She’s so versatile. I mean, she can be dark, serious and grown-up. She can also be youthful and crazy,” says Timm. “We wanted (Selina Kyle) not to be too dark and serious, like most Catwomans have been in the last 20 years or so. We wanted her to be… not silly, but just not serious.

“Fluffy,” Tucker adds.

“Fleeting is a good word,” says Timm.

Harleen Quinzel has a fairly normal romantic relationship with Gotham City detective Renee Montoya, which tempers her more malicious tendencies as Harley Quinn. Montoya is a by-the-book, honest cop who knows nothing of her friend’s secret underworld life, and her integrity is the only thing that makes Harley Quinn think twice about her actions. However, she also doesn’t see Montoya, or law enforcement in general, as effective tools in dealing with the evildoers she’s exposed. “The idea of ​​bringing them together seemed natural to us,” says Timm. “We thought, as a psychiatrist, her clients are some of the richest and most powerful men in Gotham City, and they dump all their crap on her. It drives her crazy. She hears all this, but because of psychiatrist-client privilege, she can’t do anything about it. She can’t tell anyone. We thought some of these guys had probably confessed really horrible things to her, and she was like, ‘Well, I can’t just let this guy loose on the street, but I can’t turn him over to the police either.'”

There is a long list of other actors who lend their voices Batman: The Masked Crusader contain Minnie Driver, Eric Morgan Stuart, Michelle C. Bonilla, Krystal Joy Brown, John DiMaggio, McKenna Grace, Jason Watkins, Paul Scheer, Reid Scott, Gary Anthony Williams, Daniel Donohue, David Krumholtz, Haley Joel OsmentAnd Toby Stephens– however, their characters are not revealed yet.