
Most Israelis criticize Netanyahu for prolonging the war

Most Israelis criticize Netanyahu for prolonging the war

According to a poll published by Channel 12, 54 percent of respondents said the military campaign was extended for political reasons, 34 percent for operational reasons and 12 percent did not answer.

68 percent of respondents described the head of government’s handling of the conflict, which has been sharply criticized by broad sections of society, as poor, while only 28 percent gave him a good rating.

Netanyahu faces numerous accusations that he wants to prolong the war in order to save his political future.

Sixty-eight percent of respondents said Israel was far from the complete victory the prime minister had promised, 23 percent said it was close and nine percent did not answer.

A recent poll published by the Israel Broadcasting Corporation found that 57 percent of Israelis believe Netanyahu is dividing the country and causing internal discord.

Fifty-four percent of respondents believe the government has abandoned Israeli prisoners held by Palestinian militias in the Gaza Strip while they await an exchange.

Another poll by Channel 12 found that 66 percent of Israelis support the resignation of the Likud party leader, who heads the most right-wing executive in the history of this Levantine country.

According to the survey, only 27 percent want the politician to run in the next election.
