
Hillary Clinton’s new book tour is a gift to Trump’s presidential campaign

Hillary Clinton’s new book tour is a gift to Trump’s presidential campaign

With President Joe Biden in the midst of a popularity slump following the US debate and Donald Trump riding on the immunity granted to him by his hand-picked Supreme Court, more bad news is ahead for Biden and whoever becomes the Democratic nominee.

Hillary Clinton is back and will be going on a reading tour in the fall to gain media exposure – just at a time when Americans are starting to pay more attention to the presidential election campaign.

If you’re Trump, you have to laugh at the failed and unsuccessful 2016 presidential candidate desperately trying to make herself relevant by touting her tenth book, Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections on Life, Love, and Liberty.

After so many pages of self-congratulation, Clinton may make some money touring the left-wing strongholds of Boston, San Francisco, Boston, DC and Seattle, gracing the sets of major television shows with her presence. But she has chosen the worst possible time to remind the nation why she lost in 2016, and in doing so could add to the headwinds Democrats will face in November.

If Democrats link Trump to his past of cheating, p***-groping, sexual harassment and teenage gawking, Hillary will be there to remind us of the time when Democrats didn’t have much against a president who was a notorious cheater, enjoyed the favor of a thong-clad White House intern and was credibly accused of rape. Nothing undermines Democrats’ newfound reverence for morality more than remembering what Bill Clinton did with his cigars.

When Democrats raise the specter of the Saudis and others buying Trump’s favors by showering his family business and son-in-law with undeserved business deals, Republicans will laugh about the time when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State and her family foundation collected millions from the very foreign governments and companies she negotiated with. Nothing undermines Democrats’ newfound reverence for ethics more than the memory of Hillary’s meeting with a Lebanese billionaire in Foggy Bottom after he showered the Clinton Foundation with millions.

When Democrats gasp in horror at the unethical entourage of con artists and swindlers who will fill the seats of power when Trump is president, Republicans can remind them that Hillary Clinton had no problem with her chief of staff working simultaneously for the State Department, the Clinton Foundation, and an affiliated for-profit consulting firm. Nothing undermines Democrats’ newfound reverence for probity in personnel matters more than stories of Clinton’s triple-checking lackeys flying everywhere to line their own coffers at taxpayer expense.

When Democrats argue that Trump’s sycophantic worship of ghastly foreign potentates puts his personal feelings above our national interest, we can all remember the time when Hillary Clinton put her own “convenience” above national security and Freedom of Information laws. When Hillary learned her emails were being hacked by foreign adversaries, she stepped up her efforts to use a secret private email server she kept in her closet. Nothing undermines Democrats’ newfound reverence for national security and our sacred covenants more than the reminder that the Obama Secretary of State fired staffers for her very reckless approach to security, which she herself pursued.

There is nothing Hillary Clinton could do that would hurt the Democrats’ chances of defeating Trump more than raising her scandalous profile just before the election. That Clinton would put her need to amass one last pile of money above our country’s need to protect our sacred democracy should come as no surprise. That’s what the Clintons have been doing all along.

David Mastio, a former USA Today editor and columnist, is regional editor at The Center Square and a regular correspondent for Star Opinion. Follow him on X: @DavidMastio or send him an email at [email protected]