
Only a puzzle guru can figure out the value of every shape in this Reddit puzzle. Can you do it? | Trending

Only a puzzle guru can figure out the value of every shape in this Reddit puzzle. Can you do it? | Trending

Brain teasers are tests that unlock various cognitive skills, such as lateral thinking, logical reasoning, critical analysis, and problem solving. They expand the possibilities of solving a problem by looking at it from multiple perspectives. Want to shake up your brain cells? Then here’s a task to keep you on your toes. …

Can you solve this Reddit puzzle using the clues? (Reddit/@EndersGame_Reviewer)

User “EndersGame_Reviewer” posted a math puzzle on Reddit’s r/puzzles community. It consists of a table structure with four rows and five columns made up of different shapes – star, square, diamond, and exclamation mark. Each row and column has a unique combination. What makes this challenge stand out are the strategically placed numerical clues. The numbers at the end of each row and column are the sum of the values ​​of each shape added together in that respective row or column. Can you find the value of each of the shapes?

Look at the following puzzle:

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The puzzle was shared yesterday, June 14, and received over two hundred upvotes and 43 comments. The comments section was an open forum for users to discuss the solution methods and possible values ​​of the shapes in the puzzle.

One Reddit user commented: “The bottom row was the deciding clue for me on the first few numbers.”

“Interesting that you don’t need columns to solve this,” said the second user, before explaining the logic behind the solution. The Reddit user who posted the puzzle blurred out all the answers to make sure everyone found the solution fair.

What do you think? Can you solve this puzzle in a jiffy? If so, think about it and get started.

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