
The House of Beckham: Why Tom Bowers’ book won’t bring down the Golden Ball Empire

The House of Beckham: Why Tom Bowers’ book won’t bring down the Golden Ball Empire

Tom Bowers’ new book – “House of Beckham: Money, Sex and Power” – is full of scandal. But will the unauthorized biography really “pierce the golden armor and smash the Beckham machine,” asked Katie Rosseinsky in the Independent. Given their “incredibly sophisticated” PR machine, that’s a tall order.

The book is based on the recent Netflix documentary “Beckham,” which offered a “staged look” into David and Victoria’s relationship and was full of “endearing snippets of their downtime,” Rosseinsky said. These included the iconic clip in which Victoria describes her “working class” background before David sticks his head around the door and reveals that she used to be driven to school in a Rolls-Royce.

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