
Winona Ruritan Club awards college scholarships at annual steak fry | News, Sports, Jobs

Winona Ruritan Club awards college scholarships at annual steak fry | News, Sports, Jobs

The Winona Ruritan Club awarded three of four college scholarships at its annual Steak Fry held June 25 at the Salem Saxon Club. From left: Caron and Tom Richey, parents of Piper Richey; Emma McDevitt, daughter of Jason and Sarah McDevitt (not pictured); club president Rob Doyle Jr.; and Dallas Boyd with his great-grandfather Homer Huprich. The fourth honoree, Kade Pasco, will receive his scholarship at the club’s July meeting. The Winona Ruritan Club has awarded over $46,000 in scholarships for further education to members of the club’s families, all thanks to the support of the club’s biannual all-you-can-eat pancake and whole-hog sausage breakfasts in March and October. (Submitted photo)

WINONA – The Winona Ruritan Club held its annual steak fry at the Salem Saxon Club on Tuesday, June 25.

President Rob Doyle Jr. opened the meeting shortly after 7 p.m. and led the group in singing “America.” Homer Althouse recited the invocation.

Doyle Jr. and fellow members Rob Donaldson and Tom Sanor grilled tender sirloin steaks, which came from a Japanese breed of cattle called Wagu, and chicken breasts. The caterer served sides of red potatoes, green beans with bacon bits, hard bread with butter crust, mixed vegetable salad, iced tea, ice water, and sundaes with brownie bits, chocolate and/or butterscotch syrup. Everyone in attendance applauded the grillers and the caterer.

Secretary E. Lee Stamp called the membership list. 16 members were present and 25 guests. Bruce Marhefka moved to dispense with the monthly reports of the secretary and treasurer.

As part of the club’s monthly tradition of singing Happy Birthday to members born that month, the club celebrated the birthdays of Tony Russo and Bobby King, as well as guests Judy Doyle, LeAnn Firestone, Sarah McDevitt and Caron Richey. The club also recognized this year’s wedding anniversaries: Homer and Marilyn Althouse, 65 years; Bob and Judy Doyle, 60 years; Bruce and Ruth Marhefka, 57 years; Dennis and Carol McArthur, 57 years; and Tony and Beverly Russo, 55 years.

An important part of the June meeting is the awarding of the club’s college scholarships, of which the club has awarded four. Doyle Jr. asked the scholarship recipients to come forward and explain their future plans. Piper Richey, the daughter of club vice president Tom Richey, will attend Duquesne University and study sports reporting; Emma McDevitt, the daughter of member Jason McDevitt, will attend the University of Akron and study audiology; Dallas Boyd, the great-grandson of former president Homer Huprich, will attend the National Aviation Academy to study aviation. The fourth scholarship recipient, Kade Pasco, was on vacation and will receive his scholarship at the July meeting.

Doyle Jr. asked everyone to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Then he announced the evening’s entertainment: Fred Naragon and his Sugartree Alley Steel Drum Band.

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