
Letter: Ruling on Presidential Immunity Requires Action | Letters

Letter: Ruling on Presidential Immunity Requires Action | Letters

In light of Monday’s devastating Supreme Court decision, President Biden should do the following three things:

1. As an “official action of the President,” he should immediately arrest and imprison Donald J. Trump on a series of easily understandable charges. He should also arrest and imprison many of the Republicans in Congress and others who support Trump.

2. As an “official act of the President,” he should, in conjunction with his Justice Department, indict Justices Alito and Thomas on bribery charges, not for impeachment purposes but as criminal acts. He could also indict them and others, such as Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, on perjury before Congress. These would be official acts of the President, working with and through his Justice Department to enforce federal law.

3. As an “official action of the President,” he should stop all Republican advertising and fundraising efforts because they spread obvious lies and untruths.

I’m sure better lawyers than I can offer further reasons for these actions. But Biden now has the authority of the Supreme Court to do these and other things. I suspect he is too nice a person who respects America’s principles and values ​​to do them, but he can and should.)

Kenneth M. Robbins
