
Who is the best lover of Stardew Valley?

Who is the best lover of Stardew Valley?

The most stunning gaming reveal

*SPOILERS AHEAD* Many video games use plot twists to completely throw players off their game after hours of playing. One of my favorite plot twists of this kind occurs in the first BioShock. Towards the end of the game, the player learns that the friendly guide they have been following for most of the game is a villain who uses post-hypnotic suggestion to force BioShock’s protagonist to obey his commands. What is your favorite plot twist in games?

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The duel between the Cargyll brothers needed more time to build up

When the Cargyll twins split up at the end of House of the Dragon season 1, fans immediately looked forward to their seemingly inevitable duel. Still, for non-book readers like me, this fight seemed like something the show would slowly build toward, like the Clegane Bowl in Game of Thrones. When the twins faced off in episode 2 of season 2, it was disappointing, as fans who only watch the show have had limited time with each brother before then. Do you think the Cargyll duel would have benefited from a longer lead-in?

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Unpopular opinion: The Spider-Verse movies are just OK

When Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Man universe came out, everyone told me it was the best Spider-Man ever. Then I finally bought it digitally when it was available for home viewing and… it was just good. It was definitely NOT the best Spider-Man movie I’d ever seen – nor was it better than some Spider-Man shows or comics I’d watched. I still think it (and its sequel) is good, but definitely not nearly as good as I was led to believe.

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What is your favorite Quentin Tarantino movie?

My favorite Quentin Tarantino film is Inglourious Basterds because the violence is meaningful and satisfying. The Hateful Eight had beautiful cinematography, but the violence felt unnecessary and wasn’t firmly rooted in the characters’ motivations. And while the tragic story behind Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is widely known, I didn’t feel the film satisfactorily explored the influence of Charles Manson and the motivation behind the attempted murder.

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Which live-action Batman movie featured the perfect Bruce Wayne?

A Batman movie is only as good as its Bruce Wayne, and for the most part, each of them has done an excellent job with the material given. However, the question is which is the best. In the case of Clooney’s Wayne, he was the perfect balance of all the things that make a skilled Bruce, while being the only one to have active sidekicks. But what are your picks for the best live-action Bruce Wayne?

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Have the boys officially gone too far?

Warning: This thread contains mentions of sexual assault and spoilers for The Boys Season 4, Episode 6, “Dirty Business.” The Boys has never shied away from pushing boundaries (I’m looking at you, Herogasm), but the latest episode is a real stomach-churning flick. And no, not because of Homelander and Firecracker’s new… intimate affair. Hughie’s sexual torture scenes in Tek Knight’s lair are gross and overstepped their mark. Whenever an assault occurs on the show, the series usually takes time to weigh the consequences and provide victims with a careful storyline to deal with the incident. But Hughie’s assault is largely dismissed as a “hilarious” gag until he breaks down in front of Annie and tells her he’s not OK. That being said, what did Tek Knight’s scenes add to this episode? Did the show sexually torture a character just to be provocative, failing to add anything meaningful to the story?

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