
2 asteroids just flew past the Earth and NASA filmed the action

2 asteroids just flew past the Earth and NASA filmed the action

NASA’s Goldstone planetary radar system recently detected two near-Earth asteroids, 2024 MK and 2011 UL21, flying past our planet. Perhaps a little disturbingly, one of them was only discovered 13 days before it was due to safely fly past our planet. Earthbut scientists at NASA Jet propulsion laboratory (JPL) in Southern California assured that it never posed a threat. Nevertheless, the images they were able to collect were extremely revealing.

“There was no risk that any of the near-Earth objects would hit our planet, but the radar observations made during these two approaches will provide valuable training for planetary defenseas well as information about their size, orbit, rotation, surface details, and clues about their composition and formation,” the team wrote in a press release.