
World War II veteran turns 100 and celebrates special 4th of July in Huntington Beach

World War II veteran turns 100 and celebrates special 4th of July in Huntington Beach

HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. (KABC) – Decorated World War II veteran Bob Laizure served in the Navy on the USS Maryland in the Battle of Leyte Gulf, the largest naval battle in history.

“This shows (The plane) “The plane hit the ship and the flames you see there are gasoline coming out of the plane,” Laizure said, holding up a picture of the attack on the USS Maryland.

He was wounded in combat when a kamikaze plane hit the ship.

Laizure received the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star and modestly says he was just doing his job.

His grandson, Andrew Backes, says he grew up listening to his grandfather’s stories about the war and is proud of Laizure and his bravery.

“That’s the part of the story that struck me when I heard him talk about it, namely how much pride was involved and how natural it is to defend your country,” Backes said.

Laizure participated in the Fourth of July parade in Huntington Beach this Thursday. He has done so in the past, but this year is extra special because the following day is his 100th birthday.

“It’s humbling to think how close he was to being one of those who didn’t come back. I’m honored to have him as a friend,” said Gary Crocker, a friend of Laizure.

Laizure rode in one of the American Legion Huntington Beach Post’s 133 vehicles.

On this 4th of July he once again remembered his fallen brothers and had an important message.

“I want people to understand that there are people who went above and beyond their duties during the war and that they should be recognized for that. That’s why I say: Don’t thank me because I’m still alive, but because my brothers are no longer alive,” Laizure said.

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