
World Music Day 2024: Making music helps students hit the right note when learning math

World Music Day 2024: Making music helps students hit the right note when learning math

This year’s World Music Day is the perfect opportunity to explore the symphonic relationship between music and mathematics. This connection is often overlooked but is a powerful way to teach complex mathematical concepts, particularly to young learners who may otherwise find the subject daunting.

Like music, mathematics is a universal language. Both disciplines follow patterns and structures and require creativity and analytical thinking. (Shutterstock)

Mathematics, like music, is a universal language. Both disciplines follow patterns and structures and require creativity and analytical thinking. On World Music Day, educators around the world are increasingly turning to music to help students “hit a nerve” when learning mathematics.

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One of the most effective ways to integrate these two areas is to teach fractions, ratios, and patterns. Music is inherently mathematical; rhythms and notes are organized in a way that allows mathematical principles to be directly illustrated. For example, a whole note divided into half or quarter notes can visually and audibly demonstrate how fractions work. This not only makes abstract concepts more concrete, but also more engaging.

From my experience developing mathematics curricula, I know that using music in mathematics classes helps students better understand mathematical concepts and increases their engagement and enjoyment in the subject. When students can tap their feet to the rhythm or create their own musical patterns, they actively engage with mathematical principles without the intimidation that traditional methods can create.

In addition, music helps with the retention of information. Melodies can help students remember math formulas and concepts just as they remember song lyrics. This memory aid is especially useful in math, where remembering complex formulas is often crucial to solving problems.

Feedback from educators and students has been consistently positive. Teachers report that their students demonstrate a deeper understanding of math concepts and greater enthusiasm for learning when music is part of the equation. Students, in turn, find math classes more enjoyable and less stressful, which can lead to better exam performance and an overall more positive attitude toward the subject.

For educators who want to use this method, World Music Day is a great opportunity to start. Start with simple exercises, such as clapping to different rhythms to understand number patterns, or using scales to explain intervals and ratios. The key is to make these lessons interactive and fun, allowing students to explore and make connections on their own.

In conclusion, as we celebrate the universal language of music on World Music Day, we should embrace its potential to improve our understanding of mathematics. Integrating music into math classes can provide students with a more holistic, fun and hands-on learning experience, so let the music play and the numbers follow the rhythm!

(Author Prachotan DL is a co-founder and musician. The views expressed here are personal.)