
The new prequel book to The Hunger Games already has an advantage over Songbirds & Snakes

The new prequel book to The Hunger Games already has an advantage over Songbirds & Snakes


  • “Sunrise on the Reaping” is about the popular 50th Hunger Games, with Haymitch Abernathy as the victor.
  • Haymitch’s backstory provides a popular and less controversial focus compared to President Snow in The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes.
  • Presumably delving deep into Haymitch’s teenage years, his unique tactics and devastating losses, Sunrise on the Reaping promises fascinating new depths.



The new Hunger Games prehistory Sunrise on harvest day has a decisive advantage over The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. The new book and film were announced on the same day, with the novel coming out in March 2025 and the film adaptation following in November 2026. Sunrise on harvest day comes after the great success of The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakesthe latest film in the Hunger Games franchise that grossed $337 million worldwide.

Sunrise on harvest day will feature Hunger Games that fans have been wanting to know more about for some time – the fiftieth games, also known as the Second Quarter Quell. As described in the original trilogy, these Hunger Games have a special twist as they feature twice the number of tributes: four from each district, for a total of 48. Sunrise on harvest day Is similar to The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes that it is also a prequelthis time 24 years before the events of the first book and film.


A detail about the winner of the Hunger Games suggests that Sunrise On The Reaping will be the last part of the franchise

The Hunger Games series is finally getting one of its many highly anticipated prequel stories, but there are subtle signs that this will be the last.

In “The Hunger Games: Sunrise On The Reaping” a well-known character appears (as in Ballad)

Is Haymitch Abernathy’s backstory finally coming?

Haymitch holds up a drink from The Hunger Games

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes is notable because an already existing character, President Snow, appears. Sunrise on harvest day it worked for that too. Haymitch Abernathy is also therethe only surviving victor from District 12 and mentor of Katniss and Peeta in the 74th Hunger Games. Haymitch wins the 50th Hunger Games, which practically guarantees his presence in the new story. It is unclear whether Sunrise on harvest day is told from the perspective of Haymitch, who, as the victor, plays an important role in the story.

Katniss and Peeta watch the Fiftieth Hunger Games in Chapter 14 of
catch fire


Sunrise On The Reaping has a big advantage over the Ballad Of Songbirds & Snakes

Haymitch Abernathy is less controversial than Coriolanus Snow

Although both stories feature well-known characters, Sunrise on harvest day already has a big advantage over The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes: Haymitch Abernathy is a popular character, while Coriolanus Snow is highly controversialReaders have been begging for a Haymitch prequel for years, while many were disappointed by the announcement The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes would show Snow. Although ballad Although The 40 Fingers gives viewers and readers a better insight into Snow’s development into the person he is, his crimes are not easily forgotten and it was a great challenge to get audiences excited about the story.

Naturally, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes also introduces Lucy Gray Baird, a character that readers and viewers quickly grew fond of, which increases its appeal. However, it was marketed as the origin story of President Snow, not Lucy. In addition, there was no guarantee in advance that audiences would adore Lucy. By focusing on a popular character like Haymitch, Sunrise on harvest day will not face the same hurdle as The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes.

Why Haymitch’s Hunger Games have more appeal than President Snow’s story

The fiftieth Hunger Games has always been a fan favorite

A young Coriolanus Snow (Tom Blyth) with a rose on his vest in The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

Despite the information catch fire about Haymitch’s victory, there is still a lot to tell, which is why fans have been asking for an expanded version since Suzanne Collins published the book.. The chapter where Katniss and Peeta watch Haymitch’s games gives readers a glimpse of what he is like as a teenager, before, during and after his games. This is a rich theme for the franchise. Also, in the video, Katniss and Peeta watch: Haymitch is not a typical tributeand offers an exciting story for Sunrise on harvest day.

Notably, Haymitch isn’t particularly interested in surviving, but rather in finding the end of the arena. To win the games, Haymitch uses the arena’s force field as a weapon against the last tribute and the Capitol. President Snow then murders his family and girlfriend, a devastating turn of events that begs for more clarification. But even beyond Haymitch, there are many moments in the fiftieth Hunger Games to look forward to. Sunrise on harvest day.

There is Maysilee Donner, Katniss’ mother’s childhood friend and the twin sister of the wife of the mayor of District 12. The arena also has a special peculiarity – it is a luxurious natural environment, but almost everything is toxic. In addition, the increased number of regular tributes leads to more complex dynamics that play out in the Hunger Games Franchise. While Sunrise on harvest day may have similarities with The Ballad of Songbirds and SnakesIt is clear that it will be much easier for this book to attract readers and viewers.