
Kevin Bacon hated his normal life after dressing up to live like a non-famous person

Kevin Bacon hated his normal life after dressing up to live like a non-famous person

Kevin Bacon is one of the biggest names in the entertainment industry. The actor began his career in the late 1970s, but rose to prominence in the mid-80s for his fascinating role in the famous musical drama Unbound. Since then, his fame has only grown through his participation in countless successful blockbuster films.

Kevin Bacon became a star with his role in Footloose
Kevin Bacon in Footloose. Photo credit: Paramount HE

Out of Hollow Man To X-Men: First Class, his career is full of iconic projects. As a result, he became a household name while working with names like Tom Cruise, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender and many others. However, he had a fantasy of being an ordinary man for once and wanted to experience how an ordinary person spends his day.

Sadly, his dream soon turned into a nightmare as he described the simple yet massive disadvantages that come with not being a famous face.

Kevin Bacon’s fantasy dream turned into a hellish experience

Kevin Bacon was just 20 years old when he began his journey in Hollywood. Over the years, the actor has worked in a variety of film genres to show the world his acting range. From drama to action, he happily accepts the challenge of embodying his role.

Kevin Bacon tells how he wanted to spend the day as a non-famous person
Kevin Bacon as Sebastian Shaw in X-Men: First Class. Credits: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

As a result, he became a huge star over the years and received numerous awards. Tremble The actor had often dreamed of a moment that might seem a little odd to his fans. Growing up, Bacon was one of the most recognizable faces in Hollywood, which made him quite detached from what life can be like for people who aren’t as famous.

Speaking to Vanity Fair, Kevin Bacon talked about how working in the film industry made his face easily recognizable and the pointlessness of using accessories, so he decided to get help from a special effects makeup artist to fulfill his dream. He said:

I’m not complaining, but my face is pretty recognizable. Putting on a hat and glasses only works to a certain extent. I went to a special effects makeup artist, got some advice, and asked him to make me a prosthetic disguise.

He went on to tell how the artist made a prosthetic costume for him that changed his appearance and made him look like a non-famous person. With his costume on, he went to one of the busiest shopping malls in LA called The Grove, and to his delight “Nobody recognized me.”

A still from Mystic River (2003)
Kevin Bacon and Sean Penn in Mystic River. Photo credit: Warner Bros. Entertainment

However, the feeling of being invisible began to eat away at him from the inside as people pushed past him as if he were a pebble on the beach. He added:

People were kind of pushing past me and not being nice. Nobody said “I love you.” I had to stand in line to, I don’t know, buy a fucking coffee or whatever. I was like, “This sucks. I want to be famous again.”

Although the actor wanted to live a normal life, when he became a star, he could not have imagined how much fear he would have of being forgotten by his fans. Fans love him and cannot imagine him disappearing from their lives.

Kevin Bacon is infinitely grateful for his fame

In the same interview with Vanity Fair, the Mystical Rivers The actor spoke openly about his experience and how grateful he is for what he has achieved in life. Moreover, he is extremely happy with himself as he is working in two different roles and will be playing different roles in both roles.

A still from Apollo 13
Bill Paxton, Tom Hanks and Kevin Bacon in Apollo 13. Photo credit: Universal Pictures

Bacon mentioned that the main reason he loves his fame is because he fought “really long and hard for that”, and now he will not give up, no matter what happens. He said:

I’m honestly very grateful for where I am now. To have two completely different films and completely different roles coming out within a couple of days. The fact that I got both is what I’m most grateful for. I fought really long and hard for this.

Although the actor dreamed of being an average guy, his lifelong dream was also to work with one of the best comedy actors of this generation, whom he spoke highly of.

Unbound can be streamed on Paramount+.