
Dr. Josh • 07-05-24 • Proper Pet Etiquette

Dr. Josh • 07-05-24 • Proper Pet Etiquette

Hello, friends of Dallas Voice! Welcome back to my monthly Woof column, July edition. This month I want to address a topic that, while not directly medical, is nonetheless vitally important to our pets and our interactions with the people around us: “pet etiquette.”

There are situations where our pets are out in public that require common sense solutions, but that can be difficult at times. My goal is to provide feedback that will hopefully help us navigate these everyday situations.

Let’s get started right away!

When we walk our dogs, we should be aware of our surroundings and other pets. If you know your child is not a big fan of other dogs, it is polite to cross the street or walk away when another person approaches you with their dog to avoid possible conflicts. Not all dogs are friendly with other dogs and some may not tolerate dogs larger or smaller than them.

It is also important not to pet unfamiliar dogs without the owner’s permission. Always ask first, and if children want to pet a dog, please make sure the dog is comfortable around children and be sure to remind children to be gentle.

Some dogs do not like children and can become aggressive towards them, even if the children are cautious. If the child is too young to be handled calmly and gently, I would recommend avoiding all contact to prevent problems, as some children can be rough with pets and these pets can react negatively.

Visiting dog parks or areas where leashes are not required can be challenging for some dogs, so please ensure your dog behaves appropriately and supervise your child at all times.

If your dog tends to jump on anything that moves, bark excessively, or behave aggressively, he may not be ready for parks or similar social situations. On the other hand, if your dog is very shy or submissive, you should also take this into account, as parks can be more stressful than enjoyable for him.

You should consider training and/or behavior management to help these furry children in these situations. In addition, there are supplements and possibly even medications that your doctor may recommend, but these are based on counseling and further assessment of the possible cause.

Some of us may not have the luxury of a private garden and may need to walk our dogs outside in public areas. I’d like to give you some insight into two common mistakes to avoid.

The first common mistake is not keeping the dog on a leash at all times, even indoors, until he is safely back inside and the door is closed behind you. This may seem excessive, but it is essential to avoid conflict with other dogs or people.

When walking your cat on a leash, avoid areas where there are a lot of dogs, as many dogs are not particularly friendly toward cats.

The second mistake is leaving your dog’s poop lying around. Always clean up your pet’s droppings immediately to prevent potential parasites from entering the environment and to keep shared areas clean.

You may think these rules are obvious, but unfortunately we see these mistakes happen far too often.

Some of our pets may experience separation anxiety or stress and display destructive behavior or excessive barking/meowing. In an ideal world, this would be addressed with behavior management by an animal behaviorist. You can also consult your veterinarian who can recommend different routines, supplements, or if necessary, prescription medications that could help your little one feel better.

This helps us raise well-behaved pets, avoid conflicts with neighbors, and ensure the happiness of our pets.

As always, I hope this Woof column can help improve our relationships with our pets and the people around us. If we follow these basic recommendations, we should have healthier, happier families, and I hope we are reminded to be considerate of those around us at all times. As always, take care and abrazos!

Dr. Josh is the owner of Isla Veterinary Boutique Hospital at 14380 Marsh Lane, Ste. 110, in Addison. Call him at 972-738-1111 or visit