
The Michigan Daily

The Michigan Daily

Congratulations! You did it. The era of stressful acronyms – GPA, AP, IB, SAT – is finally over. That is, until you have to figure out where and what the CCCB is. At this point, you may be wondering: What’s next? Should you research dorm options? Contact your new roommate? Optimize your schedule for the fall?

Yes, you should do all of those things. But first, I’d like you to sit down, take a deep breath, and read the 2024 Orientation Issue of the Michigan Daily.

In this special edition of The Daily You will find advice from Daily staff on many different topics: scheduling, decorating, walking, problem solving, candy, and more. But the Orientation Edition is more than just a collection of tips; it’s a collection of stories from people who were once in the same situation you are in now.
Take note of their advice, but pay special attention to their stories. Chances are parts of them will be similar to your own.

When you filled out your application last fall, you were asked, “What community are you a part of?” Regardless of what your answer was then, the day you opened that email, you all joined yet another community – a community of brave, adversity-overcoming leaders. A community of people finding their own definition of victory.
A community that The Daily proudly serves.

You are the next piece in the kaleidoscopic mosaic of backgrounds that make our community great. This place will change you, and you will change it. As you find your own way on this winding path to victory, know that The Daily is here to inform, inspire and support you every step of the way.

Long live the winners.

Zhane Yamin

2024 Summer Editor-in-Chief