
UKGE 2024: Labour gets mandate for ambitious climate action

UKGE 2024: Labour gets mandate for ambitious climate action

  • With a landslide victory in the 2024 general election, Labour has secured an extremely strong mandate for ambitious climate action and green investment.
  • The Labour Party’s promises include a clean energy system by 2030, the creation of Great British Energy and a National Wealth Fund to decarbonise industry, and the establishment of an international Clean Power Alliance.
  • Rishi Sunak’s decision to delay and water down climate policy was a massive strategic error that contributed to the Conservative Party being unelectable.


EdgarCampaign Manager at E3G, said:

“Oil and gas dependence has driven the cost of living crisis. By delaying and damaging clean energy policies that could reduce energy costs, Rishi Sunak has pitted the Conservatives against every British budget. It was a catastrophic political mistake. Labour’s landslide victory means Keir Starmer now has a historic public mandate to accelerate climate action, invest in the industries of the future and restore British climate leadership. Britain is back in the race to net zero.”

Julia PhillipsProgram Manager for Energy Transition at E3G, said:

“The public has just cast a huge climate vote for Labour’s ambitious policies – including clean energy by 2030, ending domestic oil and gas production and introducing a comprehensive Warm Homes Plan to fix our leaky homes. Political delays and gaffes under the Conservatives have set the UK back, but our climate and energy poverty targets can still be met with the right actions and investments.”

Heather McKaySenior Policy Advisor for Sustainable Finance at E3G, said:

“Britons across the country are waking up today to a new government – a government that holds their future in its hands. When it comes to Britain’s growth and our sluggish investment environment, Prime Minister Starmer has a choice: go bold or go bust. By setting out a clear plan to invest in the UK’s greatest economic opportunity – net zero – Starmer can show that the first Labour government in 14 years means business.”

Harry Camilleri, E3G geopolitics researcher said:

“With political uncertainty mounting in the US and EU, Keir Starmer must show that Britain is back and ready to lead the global fight against climate change. In its first 100 days, the new government can drive forward reforms of the global financial system, build a broad-based clean energy alliance and lay the foundations for an ambitious National Climate Change Plan (NDC).”

Laith Kharus Whitthamsenior policy advisor for industry and carbon capture at E3G, said:

“Today’s historic election result has delivered a clear mandate for bold climate action. In their manifesto, Labour made a clear commitment to lead British industry into a new era and invest in the low-carbon technologies of tomorrow. Now that they are in power, Labour must act quickly and decisively, providing the means and policies to turn that commitment into reality.”

Manon Dufour, The Managing Director of E3G Brussels said:

“Rishi Sunak’s decision to delay and water down climate policy was a strategic error that made the Conservative Party unelectable. Rolling back agreed measures was a gamble that voters and businesses did not take lightly.

The EU and its Member States should take note: the UK is back in the race to climate neutrality. The new Labour government has committed to a clean energy system by 2030, a fund to decarbonise industry and renewed international leadership on climate action. These commitments are also on the table for the EU as Commission President-elect von der Leyen prepares to present her political priorities to the European Parliament.”

E3G is following the election closely and is available for comment in the following areas:

Edgar– Campaign Manager at E3G
Energy and climate in British politics
+44 7827 157 906, [email protected]

Heather McKay – Senior Policy Advisor, Sustainable Finance
Sustainable finance in the UK, UK Net Zero Investment Plan
+44 7955 597676, [email protected]

Julia Phillips – Programme Manager, Energy Transition
Energy, housing, clean heat, electricity, industry and oil and gas in the UK  
+44 7548 097 061,[email protected]

Susanna Elks– Senior Policy Advisor, Energy Transition
Decarbonising the UK electricity market, electricity, market design, consumer impacts, energy system governance
+447577 110 942,[email protected]

Beth Walker– Senior Policy Advisor, Oil and Gas
Phase-out of fossil fuels (oil and gas) in the UK and international energy diplomacy
+44 7827 968038,[email protected]  

Laith Whittham –Senior Policy Advisor, Industry and Carbon Capture
Industrial transition in the UK and CCS, decarbonisation of steel, cement and carbon-intensive manufacturing in general
+44 7808 045786,[email protected]   

For inquiries please send an email to[email protected]or call +44 (0)7783 787 863 or contact one of our experts directly.

Notes for editors

  1. E3G is an independent climate change think tank with a global perspective. We work on the front lines of the climate landscape, removing barriers and developing solutions for a safe climate. Our goal is to translate climate policy, economics and politics into action.About us – E3G
  2. For further questions please send an email to[email protected]or call +44 (0)7783 787 863