
Nathalie Emmanuel: I have found my voice

Nathalie Emmanuel: I have found my voice

Nathalie Emmanuel believes she has found her “voice”.
The 31-year-old actress – best known for her role as Missandei in Game of Thrones – has gained confidence over the course of her career and Nathalie insists she will now speak her mind “openly”, even if it means risking tension.
She said: “I’m much less afraid to say things when I feel uncomfortable, whether it’s happening to me or someone else. I just say it directly now.”
When asked to give a concrete example of her new approach, Nathalie told British magazine Glamour: “I’m not going to destroy my crown of curls – my beautiful hair that I’m lucky enough to have – because of a role.”
“I worked with another mixed-race actress and they said people wouldn’t be able to tell us apart. I remember thinking, ‘Really?!’ but I didn’t have the confidence to say no at the time. I was much younger. Now I’ve found my voice.”
Nathalie also revealed that regular exercise and a healthy diet are crucial for her personal happiness.
She said: “My free time revolves around family, friends, food, health and wellness. I spend time with the people I love and I do yoga.”
“I believe that food is like medicine. If you take care of your insides, it will show on the outside.”
Meanwhile, Nathalie previously admitted that she finds it “difficult” to be constantly asked about the lack of diversity in “Game of Thrones.”
The actress was one of the few people of color with a prominent role in the HBO series, and Nathalie admitted that both she and co-star Jacob Anderson struggled with the issue.
She said: “The show has been criticized for its lack of diversity. Jacob and I have had to answer for that a lot as the two prominent characters of color on the show, which was really difficult.”