
Memorial is an emotional Helldivers 2 live-action movie that reminds players why they fight – Destructoid

Memorial is an emotional Helldivers 2 live-action movie that reminds players why they fight – Destructoid

A small group of Helldivers 2 Fans have made a very different fan film for July 4, 2024. While the game is about spreading guided democracy and freedom – values ​​that everyone around the world can share on this day – the film instead focuses on the powerful but understated theme of remembrance.

The fan film is called Memorial and lasts just under 4 minutes, but it takes Helldivers 2 Players back in time when we first received the fateful Major Order to go to Malevelon Creek and take it from the Automatons. We were inexperienced, unprepared for the absolute hell of those jungles, and lost so many Helldivers fighting for it. That’s where the phrase “Remember the Creek” comes from, and that’s what this movie is about.

Remember the stream

The memorial features only a single Helldiver, visiting Malevelon Creek 5 years after our ordeal there. It is now a desert world, without the lush jungles that made fighting there so difficult. They arrange a few rocks and carefully attach a dog tag to them before giving them a Helldiver salute and returning to their super destroyer.

We are used to players leaning in the direction Helldivers 2 promotes extreme patriotism in every part of its galaxy. It’s rare that such a vulnerable moment is chosen from this universe and presented. The only other film we’ve had is Spill it All, which instead deals with the 60 seconds a Helldiver spends in his Hellpod capsule before being sent into the thick of battle.

In some ways, Memorial is a spiritual successor to Spill it All. We’ve seen the moments many Helldivers went through before picking up a gun and running through the thick undergrowth of Malevelon Creek, moments before being cut down by laser swords or explosive fire. Now we’ve seen Helldivers commemorate those who gave their lives at the creek so we could push back the automatons and preserve freedom on Super Earth.

Memorial was created by streamer weak.links and is a moment of calm in the storm for Helldivers 2. When it came out, there was a lot of talk about declining player numbers, bugs, and a lack of new content due to an impending summer break. The video reminds me of the best moments I’ve had with the game and the reasons I’ll keep coming back to play it, and for that, I’m thankful it was released.

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