
To change the war situation, we need permission to attack the territory of the Russian Federation and more ammunition

To change the war situation, we need permission to attack the territory of the Russian Federation and more ammunition

To change the situation in the war with Russia, Ukraine’s partners must make two important decisions: allow attacks on Russian territory, especially on airfields and bombers in the air, and provide more artillery and ammunition.

This was stated by Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, reports LRT according to Ukrinform.

Kuleba noted that the Ukrainian side is already making certain decisions to change the trends on the front in relation to the Russian offensive. However, Ukraine’s partners must make two important decisions.

“First of all, I would like to mention the permission to use Western weapons outside the borders of Ukraine against Russian military facilities,” the minister said.

According to him, the most important thing is to destroy Russian bombers at airfields and in the air. The most painful point for the Ukrainian ground forces is “simply an endless number of guided bombs dropped on our ground troops.”

“They destroy and kill on a massive scale, and sometimes they raze positions to the ground, and then there is nothing left to defend. So as soon as we manage to eliminate the threat of air strikes, our ground positions will be strengthened, and it will be very difficult for Russia to advance,” the Ukrainian foreign minister said.

He also said that the second solution, the most important one for changing the situation at the front, is to increase the supply of ammunition. Together, these two new factors will have a noticeable effect.

“If we protect our forces from Russian guided bombs, if we have enough artillery and ammunition to destroy Russian columns and units on the move, it will be a huge investment in changing the situation on the battlefield,” Kuleba stressed.

Also read: Zelensky: 14 AFU brigades are not equipped due to delays in arms deliveries

He also noted that artillery shells would be delivered, but there should be more of them and they should be delivered faster. Solutions were also being prepared to destroy bombers on Russian territory, which would require long-range missiles or a sufficient number of air defense systems and interceptors.

The Foreign Minister expressed confidence that these decisions would be made sooner or later. And Ukraine is now calling on its partners to do so as soon as possible.

As Ukrinform reported, Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba discussed strengthening Ukraine’s air defense and restoring the energy system with US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on Wednesday.