
An Independence Day statement for America today

An Independence Day statement for America today

A renewed commitment to progressive values ​​is essential this Fourth of July. Today’s political climate has historical parallels. Let’s ensure America remains true to its founding principles.

A statement on Independence Day

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This morning, July 4th, I woke up full of fear but with a positive attitude. I wanted to remind us all of who we are. In that light, I created the following video, which is based on a a few pages of a book I wrote a few years ago when we went through a similar phase, but not as dangerous. Please take the time to watch the entire video or podcast.

A renewed commitment to progressive values ​​is essential this Fourth of July. Today’s political climate has historical parallels. Let’s ensure America remains true to its founding principles.

  • Reflection on current challenges: I reflect on the heightened fear I feel today, which is similar to the fear I experienced in the early 2000s, and emphasize the need for a progressive movement to defend equality, justice, and opportunity against our current threats.

  • Historical parallels: I draw parallels between today’s political climate and that of previous administrations, particularly the early 2000s and the Reagan era. I highlight how Reagan’s policies ushered in a long-term decline and recall the oppressive atmosphere of the early 2000s.

  • America’s Crossroads: I want to emphasize that America is at a critical turning point. We must choose whether we want to continue to increase inequality and undermine democratic values, or whether we want to work toward a future that prioritizes justice and equality.

  • Personal perspective: My background as a Panamanian-American who grew up in the Canal Zone provides a unique perspective on American values ​​and the nation’s global image. I emphasize the strength we draw from our diversity and innovation.

  • Call to action: I call for a renewed commitment to progressive values ​​and collective action to combat divisive and authoritarian forces and ensure that America remains true to its founding principles of liberty and justice.

I want to hear from you. Please comment and let me know your thoughts. We will win.

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