
Love and Let Love

Love and Let Love

Thailand has taken a big step forward by allowing same-sex couples to marry in the same way as opposite-sex couples. This is a good thing because it means people can marry whoever they love, regardless of their gender.

In India, however, things are not as progressive. Although homosexuality is no longer considered a crime, the government and courts still prohibit same-sex couples from legally marrying, claiming that this would violate the traditional “Indian family unit.” But same-sex couples are not looking for religious or social recognition – they just want their relationship to be recognized by the law like any other couple.

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Another problem in India is that it is still not a crime under the law for a husband to force his wife to have sex against her will unless they are living separately or the woman is a minor. This is wrong because every woman, regardless of her situation, has the right to decide what happens to her own body. Marriage should not take away this right.

The Indian government and courts still seem to believe that women are the property of their families or husbands and that men have the right to decide over their wives’ bodies. This mindset also makes it difficult for women to have abortions or for couples of different religious affiliations to marry in some states.

The ability to choose who to love, who to marry and whether or not to have children is a basic human right. The government should not try to control such personal and private aspects of people’s lives. This is one of the big issues that India still needs to work on.

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The views expressed above are those of the author.