
Woody McClain should be Hollywood’s next action hero

Woody McClain should be Hollywood’s next action hero

He is opening a business in the music and publishing world while looking for the next big action hero script

Woody McClain is not worried about life after death Power Book II: Mind. In fact, there are other industries that the M88 actor, who made a name for himself as an actor with his roles as Bobby Brown and Cane Terjada, would like to get into.

McClain, who has long talked about attending FAMU on a band scholarship, is now looking to showcase his skills as a producer. “I’m working on my sound and learning what I like sonically,” McClain told MACRO’s UpRising newsletter. “I would describe (my sound) as things you would never see together – and it’s awesome.”

McClain cites Doja Cat as one of his favorite musicians right now and someone he would like to collaborate with. But he doesn’t want the journey to end with making records. He wants to combine his music and acting talent. “Maybe (me and) SZA will produce a record together,” he said. McClain appeared in SZA’s “Snooze” video. “But we also have a short film where we’re just acting (and) the music is the backdrop.”

Music isn’t his only sideline. McClain has also signed a publishing deal for his spy comic The Brotherhood (Godhood Comics). The book’s fictional organization was founded to protect black Americans. Woody co-created and co-wrote the comic with DC standout Dorado Quick.

McClain thanks Quentin Torrentino for Once upon a time in Hollywood as inspiration for The Brotherhoodand says he would be very happy if the intellectual property were later turned into a film.

“Whatever happens, of course – an anime series, dolls, action figures. But it would be cool to see it as a feature film. I’m such a big fan of Ocean’s Eleven and ensemble casts. Therefore The story of the new edition will always be so close to me; it was a great ensemble. We went through the trenches together. With The brotherhoodI really want my lead actor Alton to find brothers who are as young, cool and cool as he is and who will work to save humanity. I want to bring that to the screen as a feature film one day. I would love that.”

For a more immediate role, McClain hopes to read an action script that gives him the same feelings he felt watching Wesley Snipes slay thirsty vampires in Marvel’s complicated daywalker Blade.

“I have always been an action fan and grew up watching Wesley Snipes blade (and in) Demolition Man. I have to do it. Everything I do drives me to action: I go to the gym every morning, treat my body better, drink more water, no sugar, no alcohol. I’ve always been a fan of helping others. I’d love to portray that on the big screen.”

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