
Dead Rising’s original voice actor has “no answer” as to why Capcom didn’t bring him back

Dead Rising’s original voice actor has “no answer” as to why Capcom didn’t bring him back

Dead Rising's original voice actor has

The original Dead Rising is returning in full force this September thanks to a new remaster, but not everything from the original version will remain the same. While it looks like most of the changes will be visual, we now know that the voice of main character Frank West is also changing, along with some gameplay tweaks.

As was reported on Twitter, Frank West’s original voice actor Terence Rotolo was asked why he is not returning for Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster later this year. Rotolo seems unsure why, but he has come to terms with the fact that he will not be returning for the new release. Here is the actor’s exact response:

“Hello everyone,

Your question and support is seen and appreciated… The answer to your question is that I don’t have an answer. All I can say is that I am grateful for every opportunity to bring Frank to life.

An actor’s job is to show up prepared, do his best and, when ready, move on to the next mission. I just wasn’t called for this mission. The reasons for this lie with the producers themselves…

All the best to you and the DR fans… I appreciate you all…”

With the new voice for Frank West comes a big change in the character’s appearance. The move to Capcom’s RE Engine has allowed for some major improvements here, and Frank looks much more detailed in the upcoming remaster – as you would expect!

You can check out these improvements in the article below, and luckily we don’t have to wait long for them. Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is coming to Xbox Series X|S on September 19, 2024.