
Children’s book review

Children’s book review

There goes Ted Williams…

There goes Ted Williams, the greatest batsman of all time

By Matt Tavares

This wonderfully illustrated and beautifully written junior illustrated biography, “There Goes Ted Williams,” is an entertaining read for young people and adults and offers a lot of interesting information about the life of Ted William in just a few words.

Imagine being only 17 years old and being asked to play for the New York Yankees. He should, but… Ted’s mother did not want to sign him to play for the Yankees because the team was in New York and his family lived in San Diego, California. His mother did not want him to be so far away. However, Ted continued to play, albeit for a local league in California.

In 1937, at just 19 years old, he signed with the Boston Red Sox and became the “greatest hitter of all time.” He hit 9 home runs in a single game!

Read this exciting book to learn what Ted Williams thought it would be like to be a great hitter, what he chanted during practice, why he was bullied as a child, the two life-changing events that affected his baseball career, and what he was brilliant at besides being a great hitter.

Matt Tavares hit the jackpot when he wrote, illustrated and published There Goes Ted Williams. Enjoy.

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