
Latest information on the Israeli war against Gaza: 28 dead within 24 hours in Gaza – Ministry of Health | News

Latest information on the Israeli war against Gaza: 28 dead within 24 hours in Gaza – Ministry of Health | News

Students at the University of Toronto have cleared a camp before the court-ordered deadline.

The move came a day after the Ontario Superior Court granted the university an injunction to vacate the camp and gave Toronto police the authority to remove and arrest anyone who failed to meet a 6 p.m. (22:00 GMT) deadline, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) reported.

It quotes Mohammad Yassin, one of the camp’s organizers, as saying: “We refuse to give the Toronto police an opportunity to brutalize us.”

“We are going it alone to protect our community from the violence that the University of Toronto clearly wants to unleash against us,” Yassin told reporters before the deadline.

“To be clear, the university will disclose its investments, divest from companies that profit from the suffering and death of Palestinians, and sever its ties with academic institutions linked to the Israeli war machine. The question is not if, but when,” he added.

The camp was set up on May 2 after students across North America staged similar sit-ins to demand that their universities divest from companies that profit from the Israeli offensive in Gaza.

University of Texas
People leave the camp after an Ontario judge ordered pro-Palestinian protesters to leave their two-month-old camp at the University of Toronto (Carlos Osorio/Reuters)