
Book review: Decarbonizing Asia

Book review: Decarbonizing Asia

Global warming is by definition global. So why focus on a single region? The editors of Decarbonization of Asia point out: “Despite the region accounting for more than half of global CO2 emissions and China being the largest single emitter, there is very little dialogue and information about the region’s past, present and future in terms of decarbonisation, innovation and investment opportunities.” The Asia-Pacific region (defined here in the broadest sense, i.e. everything from Istanbul to Oceania) has the most to lose from climate change and the greatest potential to address the core innovations needed to address it.

Decarbonization of Asia is a collection of descriptive essays by 15 experts and innovators from the region, interspersed with case studies and one-on-one interviews. Topics include finance, energy, buildings, transport, food and agriculture, waste and consumption, explored from multiple perspectives: how did Asia get here? What’s happening now? What’s next? And what’s possible? The companies featured in the case studies and interviews include both startups and large multinational corporations.

Although some sections address the role of the individual consumer, the book is essentially about institutions, industries, politics and large corporations rather than individual action. For example, the first chapter, entitled “People,” starts the discussion with an excellent overview of green finance by Alexandra Tracy. It highlights some interesting start-ups and early-stage innovations, such as scooters with swappable batteries in Taiwan or biogas production from pig waste in China. But the focus is on challenges and solutions at a national or even regional level.

This makes sense, because systemic issues and trade and industrial policies are the key levers for tackling climate change in the region: for example, in the chapter on “Waste and Industry”, Sandro Desideri explains that 60% of greenhouse gas emissions in the Asia-Pacific region are expected to come from industry by 2040, and Eric Chong points out in the chapter on “Built Environment” that the energy demand of commercial buildings is expected to triple by 2040. Chong also presents examples of system-wide changes that are needed or already taking place to enable the transition to more sustainable buildings: the production of green concrete, zero-carbon building standards and the optimization of infrastructure via the Internet of Things (IoT).

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From this perspective, the book is an excellent resource for business people and policymakers making decisions that will affect the future on a large scale, rather than for the consumer looking to reduce household waste or save energy. It was written by insiders in sustainability and decarbonization, but laypeople will find it useful too: it places an emphasis on defining terms and minimizing obscure jargon, and the authors all organize their essays logically, write with simple clarity, and follow a consistent “past, present, future” format.

One area the book outlines very well is the scale of the change required and the need to focus on Asia. At the time of publication, for example, the Asia-Pacific region produces 23% of global industrial output, and most organic and solid waste is a byproduct of industrial activity. At the same time, over the next one to two decades, the demographic and economic changes that will most impact the climate will occur in Asia. One example of this is the area of ​​urbanization. Asia is now home to most of the world’s urban population, but has the lowest levels of urbanization. This means that by 2050, 70% of global urban growth will occur in Asia. Consumer and farming habits will also change dramatically. For example, China’s per capita consumption of beef, a massive source of greenhouse gas emissions, could increase by 40% between 2010 and 2030.

Christine Loh’s “Lifestyle and Consumer” chapter stands out from the rest because it is a bit more introspective and even philosophical. It highlights the stark differences between the challenges of decarbonization in rich Asia – places like Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore – and poor Asia. For example, most food waste in poorer economies is generated at the farm level, while in richer economies it is generated mainly in restaurants and kitchens. Loh also poses an interesting question: can Asian belief systems such as the Daoist-Zen-Buddhist tradition of minimalism and frugality be used to target consumer waste? After all, the KonMari system has already gained global renown. Loh also calls fast fashion, which accounts for between 2 and 10% of global carbon emissions, a “prime example of waste.”

The divide between “rich Asia and poor Asia” appears in numerous other essays, including those on energy and transport. Access to electricity is the main problem for many people in poorer countries, and the majority of installed capacity is either coal or oil. At the same time, the “deeply conservative” energy sector is reluctant to adopt new technologies, demanding a proven ten-year track record from each new generation. Hydropower may be a renewable energy source, but it is not without its problems for countries like Laos, whose economies are heavily dependent on it. Richer markets have made green hydrogen a trending topic, but in reality the price needs to reach US$2 per kilogram to be competitive, compared to the current US$6-9.

Lack of access to finance and other commercial aspects could prove a significant obstacle, especially for poorer markets: in the final section, authors Moon K. Kim and Rachel Fleishaman point out that Asia’s carbon capture, utilization, and storage sector “lacks significant development in industrial storage projects,” despite – as Bill Kentrup notes – much of the world’s carbon storage capacity being in the tropics. This gap also affects agriculture, which currently accounts for 20% of emissions in the region, including 40% of methane emissions, as well as 80% of water use. While South Korea is promoting “digital agriculture” and China is increasingly using drones – 80% of rice in Heilongjiang province is sprayed by drones – these solutions are out of reach for many markets in the region.

The transportation chapter leaves something to be desired. Aside from an interview with the Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway (MTR), it focuses mainly on electric vehicles for personal and fleet use, and ride-hailing or car-sharing apps. Discussions of high-speed rail, public transit, and walkable cities are scattered throughout other chapters. Also, as this is a book that readers will likely want to refer to frequently after reading it, it could have benefited from a more comprehensive index (where was that pork parts example again?) and a glossary.

Decarbonization of Asia is not exactly a reference book, as it can be read just as easily on the sofa as it can be in an office chair. The individual essays and interviews are engaging and easy to read. But it is an excellent work for any sustainability professional in Asia to have on their desk for reference and later reading. It would also be an excellent text for advanced university students interested in business opportunities in Asia. The editors have achieved what they set out to do, and the rest of the world would do well to take note.

Decarbonising Asia: Innovation, Investment and Opportunities

Ágoston Tony Verb and Roman Shemakov

2022, World Scientific Publishing Co, 374 pages