
Global Annual Results Report 2023: Humanitarian Aid – World

Global Annual Results Report 2023: Humanitarian Aid – World



The year 2023 was marked by conflict and violence threatening children and the difficulties in reaching them with aid. The rights of millions of children to life and safety, health care, adequate nutrition, education, clean water and protection from harm and exploitation were seriously threatened in 2023 due to conflict, violence, climate-related emergencies and natural disasters – or, in the case of the most vulnerable children, a combination of these conditions.

In 2023, UNICEF achieved the following humanitarian results:

  • Clean water and sanitation for 42.4 million people;
  • Measles vaccinations for 32.4 million children aged 6 months to 15 years;
  • Early detection services and Treatment of severe wasting and other forms of malnutrition, affecting 118.6 million children under the age of 5;
  • Access to education for 17.7 million children and young people;
  • Community-based mental health and psychosocial support Services for 13.1 million children and interventions for prevention gender-based violence and support for survivors of 23.1 million children and women;
  • Humanitarian cash assistance for 2.9 million households;
  • Delivery worth 893.1 million US dollars of consumables to prepare for or respond to emergencies.

These results for children were made possible by the 3.48 billion US dollarsn humanitarian aid received by UNICEF in 2023.

This report describes the humanitarian situation of children and how UNICEF is working with partners at the local, regional and global levels to save lives, protect childhoods and ensure children’s rights.